Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Nuevo México
Licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Nuevo Mà ©xico Si eres migrante indocumentado y radicasà en Nuevo Mà ©xico puedes sacar legalmente una licencia de manejar siguiendo una serie de pasos que se explican en este artà culo. En la actualidad ms de diez estados permiten sacar este tipo de licenciaà a los indocumentados, pero no todas son iguales ni dan los mismos derechos. En cuanto a Nuevo Mà ©xico yà los requerimientos, hay que distinguir entre los necesarios para renovar la licencia, que se explican al final de este artà culo, y los que en este momento piden para sacarla por primera vez. Licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Nuevo Mà ©xico por primera vez Antes de aplicar por la licencia comprueba que tienes todos los documentos imprescindibles que te van a pedir cuando acudas a la cita a la oficina del Departamento de los Vehà culos a Motor (MVD, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Bsicamente vas a tener que probar tres cosas: residencia en el estado, tu identidad y un nà ºmero que te identifica. Para ello sà ³lo se admiten una serie de documentos muy especà ficos para cada categorà a. Para probar que efectivamente tienes tu domicilio en Nuevo Mà ©xico Debes presentar DOS documentosà de entre los listados a continuacià ³n:à Contrato de compra, hipoteca o lease (renta) de la viviendaExtracto del banco o del credit unionDocumento original de un municipio, condado, organizacià ³n comunitariaà o tribu indà gena de Nuevo Mà ©xico o del estado o gobierno federal en el que se diga que efectivamente resides en ese estadoFactura (utility bill) del agua, gas, electricidad,à là nea fija de telà ©fono, televisià ³n por cable o satà ©lite, recogida de basura. Sà ³lo puedes presentar una factura de esta categorà a. Por ejemplo,à si presentas la de la electricidad no admiten tambià ©n la del cablePrueba de que un hijo asiste a una escuela en el estado. Puede presentarse la forma de matriculacià ³n o una carta en papel oficialà firmada por un oficial de la escuela.Recibo de pago del impuesto por ser propietario de bienes raà cesRecibo de sueldo o nà ³minaRegistracià ³n de un auto, siempre y cuando sea actual y vlidaTarjeta de asistencia pà ºblica o mà ©dica que sea de Nuevo Mà ©xico Adems, si eres menor de 18 aà ±os puedes presentar como prueba de residencia en NM cualquier documento que pruebe que asistes a una escuela en ese estado o perteneces a un equipo deportivo u organizacià ³n religiosa. Los documentos tienen que ser originales (no se aceptan copias), tener menos de 3 meses de antigà ¼edad y tu direccià ³n debe de aparecer en ellos. Prueba de identidad cuando no tienes un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social Debes tener uno de los siguientes documentos: Origial o copia de tu acta de nacimiento que debes de pedir a tu paà s. Tiene que ser traducida al inglà ©s por una persona con buen conocimiento del inglà ©s y del espaà ±ol y debe firmar su traduccià ³n siguiendo este modelo. Adems, debe notarizarse. No se admite que el traductor y el notario sean la misma persona.Certificado de matrimonio si te has casado en cualquiera de los 50 estados de EEUU o uno de sus territorios, como por ejemplo, Puerto Rico.Orden de una corte de los Estados Unidos con sello en la que se declara que has cambiado de nombre o que te has divorciado o que has cambiado de gà ©nero. En este caso, la orden debe contener tu nombre legal y tu fecha de nacimiento.Una licencia de manejar, learnerà ´s permit, tarjeta de ID emitida por un estado de EEUU o por el gobierno federal o por Canad. En este caso debe de tener una foto y ser vlida o haber expirado no hace ms de un aà ±o.Matrà cula consular emitida despuà ©s del uno de febrero de 2005 por el consulad o mexicano de El Paso o el de Albuquerque. Tu pasaporte. Tiene que ser vlido y no estar vencido. Prueba de Nà ºmero de Identificacià ³n cuando no tienes un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social Debes presentar uno de los siguientes documentos: Matrà cula consular de los consulados mexicanos en El Paso o en Albuquerque con fecha posterior al 1 de febrero de 2005.Tu pasaporte vlido.El ITIN, pero esto sà ³lo si se emplea como prueba de ID la matrà cula o el pasaporte. Cà ³mo entender estos requerimientos Debes presentar dos documentos del listado de prueba de residencia, uno de prueba de identidad o ID y otro como prueba de nà ºmero de identificacià ³n. Hay dos documentos- pasaporte y matrà cula- que se pueden utilizar como identidad o como prueba, pero si utilizas uno de ellos para una cosa, no puedes utilizarla para la otra. Cà ³mo aplicar por la licencia por primera vez Si eres menor de 25 aà ±os, debes cumplir con requisitos adicionales. Si ya has cumplido esa edad, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con los ciudadanos americanos, los extranjeros no pueden presentarse en una oficina del MVD. Es necesario realizar una cita previa aquà . Tambià ©n puedes cerrarla marcando al 505-827-2257. En Choose appointment type, escoge First Time Foreign National DL/ID. Adems, necesitars pasar un examen de visià ³n, un examen escrito, el de carretera y pagar un arancel. Renovacià ³n de la licencia Si ya tienes una licencia de manejar de Nuevo Mà ©xico para renovarla no puedes hacerlo por internet si no tienes un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social. Si ese es tu caso, la à ºnica manera es acudir en persona a una oficinal del MVD. Si ya tiene ms de un aà ±o de vencimiento, tendrs que tomar de nuevo el examen escrito. Y si tiene ms de cinco aà ±os de vencimiento, tambià ©n el de carretera. Tip de interà ©s Si no puedes obtener la licencia porque no cumples con los requisitos,à infà ³rmate y evita ser và ctima del fraude deà las licencias internacionales para manejar en Estados Unidos cuando vives aquà .
Saturday, November 23, 2019
These Colors dont Run but They do Burn essays
These Colors don't Run but They do Burn essays These Colors Dont Run, But They Do Burn The famous phrase, ...give me liberty, or give me death, was articulated by the revolutionary thinker Patrick Henry and has since become a mantra for the people of the United States of America. However, many may never think about the myriad implications this phrase carries with it. In contemporary America many issues concerning censorship have arrived at the forefront of intellectual and social debate one such issue is that of flag burning, and more specifically whether or not incarceration or fines should be imposed on those who commit the said act. Nonetheless, a contention exists that not only should fines and penalties not be imposed on flag burners but moreover, that the act should not be a culpable action; as flag burning is just another facet of civil rights demonstrations. Flag burning is an extremely imperative issue in contemporary America; especially due to the war the country is now involved in, i.e. The War on Terrorism. So, a question Americans should ask is whether or not demonstrations such as flag burning are acceptable as many Americans already have. As far as a judicial standpoint is concerned, flag burning is emphatically illicit, ...all states have enacted laws making desecration of the flag a crime, and in 1968 Congress barred anyone from knowingly casting contempt upon an American flag by publicly mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, or trampling it (Sexton, Brandt 184-5). Therefore, the question is not simply one of legality, but rather one of civic duty, and adherence to the implied laws and regulations set down by the Constitution in accordance with the willingness of Americans to comprehend purpose behind a specific illegal civil demonstration. No doubt exists that when a person commits an act akin to flag burning it enrages the vehement jingoism of some, and the reasonable nationalism of others. To...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Improvements for Aaron's Situation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Improvements for Aaron's Situation - Case Study Example This ability will allow him to integrate more and more with other children as he progresses. In addition, Aaron has high awareness of his surroundings and is able to adapt quickly and manipulate the environment around him. Finally, Aaronââ¬â¢s IQ level is above average, which shows that his ability to learn and comprehend is strong. Used in conjunction with his communication skills and ability to adapt to the environment around him, Aaron could step to the forefront of his class as a leader both academically and socially if he were able to overcome his personal auctions. Some of the challenging behaviors that present obstacles for Aaronââ¬â¢s progress are the fact that he vandalizes property, runs away from home and school, and exhibits violence at school. Aaronââ¬â¢s tendency to vandalize property may be an attempt to control his surroundings, responding to negativity by breaking something to alleviate rage and make a point. His unannounced attempts to leave home and school show that these places cause stress for him and running away is one of his coping mechanisms. Finally, Aaronââ¬â¢s tendency to demonstrate violence at school shows his lack of respect for personal boundaries and his attempts to defend himself against his insecurities by resorting to violence. All of these behaviors are challenging for authority figures because they present obstacles for Aaronââ¬â¢s education and the education of those around him. These behaviors also compromise the safety of Aaron and those he comes in contact with. Some of the causes that may have contributed to Aaronââ¬â¢s negative behavior is the instability he has experienced at home and school. The imprisonment of his father has left him without a father figure to look up to and provide guidance. This also left a sense of structure and discipline out of Aaronââ¬â¢s life.Ã
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
France History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
France History - Essay Example He goes further to explain how the French revolution and Haitian revolution; influenced the eradication of slavery through enactment of new laws. His claim is valid, as well as the rationale she provides in establishing his argument. In the essay, the writer has outlined the positive effects brought about by French revolution and Haiti revolution. As a way of illustrating, he argued that the French revolution has inspired the American Revolution. In addition, he has stated how declaration of freedom was written. It resulted into freedom from slavery in both Haiti and France. In my opinion, these illustrations were explained properly. Furthermore, the writers attempt to explain the hierarchy of leadership and challenges affecting the two countries; creates a clear impression. From my point of view, discrimination of slaves as being less human is ruthless. It goes a long way to affecting social aspects of an individual. In conclusion, the writerââ¬â¢s argument was expressed clearly. However, the points offered were less. As stated before, the revolution of France was more important in terms of enacting new enlightenment principles; is certainly true. In my opinion, the argument was not properly covered; there was a need for more supportive points. There was need to include extra materials on the related topic; this meant to play a significant role in shedding more light. Moreover, it would provide more points necessary in supporting the thesis statement. There are many sources of information regarding revolution of France and Haiti; although, my focus will be limited to sources with great depth of information. To start with, A Concise History of The Haitian Revolution provides a clear overview of the revolution in Haiti. It elaborates on the impacts of the revolution (Popkin 22). Secondly, The French Revolution of 1789 And Its Impact provides information about the factors that led to the revolution and its effects (Rubenstein 82). Finally, Haitian
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Swimmer Essay Example for Free
The Swimmer Essay How would you characterize the social world that Neddy Merrill lives in? He lives a perfect life. A perfect family, high social standing and an expensive house. He dosent have many problems and his friends are perfect as well. What is Neddyââ¬â¢s mood at the beginning of the story? He seems content. It was a hot sunny day and he was drinking a glass of gin. What possible reasons can you think of for the journey that Neddy proposes to undertake? Are there any suggestions that this journey does not take place in reality? Consider some of the many signs of trouble that Neddy encounters during the course of his journey. List them. During his journey Neddy goes through many stages in his life. I think the pool is a symbolism of alcohol. In the beginning he was fine and everyone was nice to him. Eventually he comes to a dry pool and has no idea what to do. People start being rude to him and he realizes that his wife and kids are gone. Neddy doesnt live in reality. What role does drinking alcohol play in the story? A major role. Neddyââ¬â¢s alcohol issues may have caused the affair with Shirley Adams causing his wife and daughters to leave him. What do you think is the overall meaning or message is in the story? I think the meaning of this story is that life is short and you should use your time wisely. Neddy wanted all the material objects in life and alcohol. How many pools does Neddy swim through? List them in order. the grahams, hammers, lears, howlands, crosscups, bunkers, levys, welchers, public pool, hallorans, saches, biswangers, shirley adams, gilmartins, clydes Notice the pattern of how people treat him as he goes from pool to pool. What is that pattern? Mrs. Graham was vey nice to him and offered a drink. the bukers had a party. the welchers pool was dry. Eventually people were questioning his behavior. They were ignorning him, being rude and telling him to grow up. Neddy describes himself as heroic. Use quotes from the story to affirm or refute that idea. I am not too sure about this answer. Notice the description of the seasons ââ¬â how many are there? summer and autumn
Friday, November 15, 2019
Reality Television Love?What are These Contestants Thinking?! :: essays research papers fc
Reality Television Loveâ⬠¦What are These Contestants Thinking?! à à à à à Marriage, itââ¬â¢s supposed to be a once in a lifetime event right? The answer to that is surprisingly no! Today it seems that the media pokes fun of this wonderful occasion in the ever so popular reality T.V. show weddings. They are everywhere today. Many of these marriages donââ¬â¢t last much longer than the show was aired anyway. The contestant chooses a lifetime partner from a group of twenty or so other ââ¬Å"contestantsâ⬠to miraculously fall in love with. But can this be true love? Marriage should not be rushed in this way, because it usually comes along in a normal life setting. What are these television savvy people thinking? I do not believe that the media should use the sacred act of marriage as entertainment, people on these shows are looking for love for the wrong reasons, divorce rates today are through the roof, and generally all the contestants really want is to ââ¬Å"get their face out thereâ⬠, to become famous. à à à à à Many times these people arenââ¬â¢t even sure what they are looking for or even what they are doing on such a show. On programs such as The Bachelor, Joe Millionaire, and Married by America the contestants are set out to search for their one true love. But how do they know if one of these lucky men or women is right for them? The answer is hard to tell. The show, even though aired for weeks at a time, isnââ¬â¢t even as long as it appears. Each episode is different days put into one episode and it is hard to tell exactly how long they really have been there. In all reality the contestants are only acquainted for about a months time and BAM, they are up at the alter saying their ââ¬Å"I Doââ¬â¢sâ⬠, in their to-die-for wedding apparel. I donââ¬â¢t know about you but I have defiantly gone through life with a crush or two for about a month that I thought at the time I could marry and be with forever, but after a while I thought to myself, what was I th inking! This is exactly how many of these couples feel soon after their wedding. Then out of nowhere there is yet another divorce. Some may disagree and say that there have been many love stories with happy endings that were very fast and sudden, and they have turned out fine.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Moral Degradation Essay
I think all would consider this fact to be tenable that nowadays more youth and youngsters are involved in crime and hence an extreme phase of social illness is undeniable and inescapable. You canââ¬â¢t just deny this fact. Itââ¬â¢s all in the statistics. I mean it is facts and figures that we are talking about; black and white. Nothing remains to hide and no where to run. We are in a reality to face it. Some would debate before they say it moral degradation. However, if they do so you have enough reason to ask them about what morality constitutes and how he or she would label this new unexpected development. Moreover, the increase in juvenile cases recent months is shocking and the news of students killing one another can be seen a chronic disease. Young generation with whom we are used to dream for the future of the country is having a great contribution to this new specter. From ogling, winking, passing comments in the form of sexual innuendos, to touching, groping, ââ¬Ëeveteasingââ¬â¢, stalking, sending lewd text messages, ââ¬Ëprankââ¬â¢ calls, display of pornography, threatening and intimidation, acid attacks, and unwanted ââ¬Ëloveââ¬â¢ proposals. Compared to back then, things do not happen like this. Is there any doubt that more youngsters nowadays are involved in social crimes and problems? The disrespectful attitude carried out by youths and students is very much common nowadays if you were to compare again to the last couple of years. I mean what is wrong with youngsters and youths nowadays? Why are they acting in such a way? There is no fear and tear to say it is kind of social moral breakdown and it is taking its shape through such abnormal and undesired manner. Government and society has nothing to do with it or unwilling to do it? May be the last one is closer to the truth than the former one. However, it is the failure of the state to ensure the moral growth of the young girls
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ho Ching Leadership Essay
Mr. GPower, in the reading, described as the capacity to cause change and influence. Ho Chingââ¬â¢s has been recognized and ranked at 18 in Asiaââ¬â¢s most powerful people. According to the reading and further research, Ching is an influential leader because she brought a company from failing. In this basis, the company is successful not only with the CEO but the workers he or she employ. In receiving awards, she must have influenced someone to receive recognition. When Temasek Holdings was losing revenue Ching step up to the challenge to bring the company back on their feet. She did not focus on the company but also expanding the companyââ¬â¢s potential. She has the power to influence because she started from the bottom and rose to become the CEO. In her influential speech, she has disclosed the companyââ¬â¢s annual report proving the employees and to the public that the companyââ¬â¢s performance is changing for the better and the results from the workerââ¬â¢s achi evements. According to a previous class in Phoenix, Accounting, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) provides company annual reports to the public, but in some part of Asia these information are not public. Chingââ¬â¢s bold decision to make this public gave her employee a reason to trust her decision even more. When Ching took in the position as CEO she wants to make the company more diversified, with third invested in Singapore, third in Asia and some of the developed eastern countries. According to Thomas White International, when Ching was reconfiguring the company, majority of the staff comprised of Singaporeans. In 2007, staff diversify from people in 22 different countries and 40% of the senior management are not home grown (2010). The referred power Ho Ching uses are referent power and legitimate power. According to Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, referent power has strong interpersonal ties with subordinates. Ching strengthens the relationship with senior management to the workers (2009). Her legitimate power come from experience from rising up the ranks. Her decision to make changes and vision for the future of the company gives her followers to become motivated to work for the better of the companyââ¬â¢s success.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Life as a Slave essays
Life as a Slave essays Chained helplessly to hundreds of strangers, I was doomed for a life of slavery. My people and me were shackled together and branded like a herd of cattle. The pain that I felt when the red, hot iron singed my bare skin was excruciating. But, the emotional pain that I experienced was even worse. I would never wish this on anyone, not even my worst enemy. The white men from the New World jerked me up out of my home, ripped me away from my family and friends and threw me into the dark, dirty dungeons of the ship. I searched hopelessly for any trace of my family, but my search was in vain. They were nowhere to be found. While sitting in the rickety, wretched gallows of the ship, I began to recall the tales that I had heard, while in Africa, of these white men and their cruelty. When I first heard these tales, they seemed non-fictional. However, now they had become a gruesome reality. After a few days had passed, my friends and I found ourselves in the fields near a small straw house. The day began like any other day, but ended in a dreadful and horrifying way. While running through the fields, I heard a rustling in the bushes. Reluctantly, I crept to the bushes to find the source of the noise. Without warning a group of white men sprung from behind the bushes and pounced on us. Hastily and uncaringly, they chained us together and led us to three enormous ships near the beach. Before I realized what was happening, I had been separated from the only people I had known. From that point on, anyone who glanced my way could recognize the fear in my eyes immediately and see that I would rather be dead. That leads me back to the gallows of this ship where I remain imprisoned, squeezed into the diminutive darkness with other prisoners like sardines. Rowing relentlessly, we are already fulfilling our fate of becoming a slave. Reaching our destination, one that could be far worse that what we had already experi ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf Essays
Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf Essays Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf Paper Saadat-Hasan-MantoWriter-of-Stark-Realities.Pdf Paper This page was exported from Jahane Rumi Export date: Thu Nov 18 17:11:12 2010 / +0000 GMT Saadat Hasan Manto- Writer of Stark Realities (Courtesy Iftikhar Chaudri) Saadat Hassan Manto (May 11, 1912 ? January 18, 1955) was a Pakistani Urdu short story writer, most known for his Urdu short stories , Bu (Odour), Khol Do (Open It), Thanda Gosht (Cold Meat), and his magnum opus, Toba Tek Singh. Unfortunately having spent life on both sides of the border he was portrayed as an Indian writer in Pakistan and in India he was portrayed as a Pakistani writer. But truely he was a writer of the subcontinent above distinctions of coutry or religion. He was also a film and radio scriptwriter, and journalist. In his short life, he published twenty-two collections of short stories, one novel, five collections of radio plays, three collections of essays, two collections of personal sketches. He was tried for obscenity half-a-dozen times, thrice before and thrice after independence in Pakistan, but never convicted. Some of his works have been translated in other languages. Combining psychoanalysis with human behaviour, he was arguably one of the best short story tellers of the 20th century, and one of the most controversial as well. When it comes to chronicling the collective madness that prevailed in the Indian subcontinent, during and post the Partition of India in 1947, no other writer comes close to the oeuvre of Saadat Hassan Manto. Since he started his literary career translating works of literary giants, like Victor Hugo, Oscar Wilde and many Russian masters like Chekov and Gorky, their collective influence made him search for his own moorings. This search resulted in his first story, Tamasha, based on the Jallianwala Bagh massacre at Amritsar. Though his earlier works, influenced by the progressive writers of his times showed a marked leftist and socialist leanings, his later work progressively became stark in portraying the darkness of the human psyche, as humanist values progressively declined around the Partition. So much so that his final works that came out in the dismal social climate of post-partition Indian subcontinent and his own financial struggles reflected an innate sense of human impotency towards darkness that prevailed in the larger society, cultivating in satirism that verged on dark comedy, as seen in his final great work, Toba Tek Singh, that not just showed a direct influence of his own stay in a veritable mental asylum, but also a reflection of collective madness that he saw in the ensuing decade of his life. To add to it, his numerous court cases and societal rebukes, deepened his cynical view of society , from which he felt ever so isolated No part of human existence remain untouched or taboo for him, he sincerely brought out stories of prostitutes and pimps alike, just as he highlighted the subversive sexual slavery of the women of his times. To many contemporary women writers, his language far from being obscene brought out the women of times in realism, seen never before, and provided them with the human dignity they long deserved. Unlike his fellow luminaries, he never indulged in didacticism or romanticized his character, nor offered any judgment on his characters. No matter how macabre or immoral they might seem, he simply presented the characters in a realistic light, and left the judgment on to the readers eyes. This allows his works to be interpreted in a myriad ways, depending on the viewpoint of the reader. They would appear sensationalist or prurient to one, while exceedingly human to another. Yet it was this very non-judgmental and rather unhindered truism of his pen that put him in an opposite camp from the media censors, social prejudices and the legal system of his times, so much so that he remained banned for many years and lost out on many opportunities to earn a healthy living. Throughout the Indian subcontinent he is still known for his scathing insight into the human behaviour as well as revelation of the macabre animalistic nature of an enraged subcontinent, that stands out amidst the brevity of his prose . He is often compared with D. H. Lawrence, and like Lawrence he also wrote about the topics considered social taboos in Indo-Pakistani Society. His topics range from the socio-economic injustice prevailing in pre- and post- colonial subcontinent, to the more controversial topics of love, sex, incest, prostitution and the typical hypocrisy of a traditional sub continental male. In dealing with these topics, he doesnt take any pains to conceal the true state of the affair although his short stories are often intricately structured, with vivid satire and a good sense of humour. In chronicling the lives and tribulations of the people living in lower depths of the human existence, no writer of 20th century, came close to Manto. His concerns on the socio-political issues, from local to global level are revealed in his series, Letters to Uncle Sam, and those to Pandit Nehru. On his writing he often commented, If you find my stories dirty, the society you are living in is dirty. With my stories, I only expose the truth. In many ways his writings can be considered a precursor to the minimalist writing movement of nineties. Instead of focusing on composition, Manto created literary effect through narration of facts, often mini stories, often gritty. Characters are not defined exclusively by the way they look, but by what theyve done in their lives. Places are not described as a collection of sensory observations but as settings for events, sad, poignant, happy or otherwise. Early life and education Output as PDF file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from www. ProfProjects. com | Page 1/2 | This page was exported from Jahane Rumi Export date: Thu Nov 18 17:11:12 2010 / +0000 GMT Saadat Hassan Manto was born in a Kashmiri Muslim family of barristers, on May 11, 1912. He received his early education at Muslim High School in Amritsar, but he remained a misfit throughout in school years, rapidly losing motivation in studies, ending up failing twice in matriculation. His only love during those days, was reading English Novels, for which he even stole a book, once from a Book-Stall in Amritsar Railway Station. In 1931, he finally passed out of school and joined Hindu Sabha College in Amritsar, which was already volatile due the independence movement, soon it reflected in his first story, Tamasha, based on the Jallianwala Bagh massacre After, his father died in 1932, he sobered up a bit to support his mother, though the big turning point in his life came, when in 1933 at age 21 he met Abdul Bari Alig, a scholar and polemic writer, in Amritsar, who encouraged to him find his true talents, and read Russian and French authors. Early career Within a matter of months Manto produced an Urdu translation of Victor Hugos The Last Days of a Condemned Man, which was published by Urdu Book Stall, Lahore as Sarguzasht-e-Aseer (A Prisoners Story).. Soon afterwards he joined the editorial staff of Masawat, a daily published from Ludhiana His 1934 Urdu translation of Oscar Wildes Vera won him due recognition amongst the literary circles. At the continued encouragement of Abdul Bari, he published a collection of Urdu translation of Russian stories as Russi Afsane. This heightened enthusiasm pushed Manto to pursue graduation at Aligarh Muslim University, which he joined in February 1934, and soon got associated with Indian Progressive Writers Association (IPWA). It was here that he met writer Ali Sardar Jafri and found a new spurt in his writing. His second story Inqlaab Pasand was published in Aligarh magazine in March 1935. There was no turning back from there, and his first collection of original short stories in Urdu, Atish Pare (Sparks; also Quarrel-Provokers), was published in 1936, at age 24. He left Aligarh within a year, initially for Lahore and ultimately for Bombay. After 1936, he moved to Bombay, where he stayed for the next few years, editing Musawwir, a monthly film magazine. He also started writing scripts and dialogues for Hindi films, including Kishan Kanhaya (1936) and Apni Nagariya (1939). Soon he was making enough money, though by the time he married Safia on 26 April, 1939, he was once again in dire financial crisis. Despite financial ups and downs he continued writing for films, till he left for Delhi in January 1941. He had accepted the job of writing for Urdu Service of All India Radio in 1941. This proved to be his most productive period, as in the next eighteen months he published over four collections of radio plays, Aao (Come), Manto ke Drame (Mantos Dramas), Janaze (Funerals) and Tin auraten (Three women). He continued to write short stories, and his next short story collection Dhuan (Smoke) was soon out, followed by Manto ke Afsane and his first collection of topical essays, Manto ke Mazamin. This period culminated with the publication of his mixed collection Afsane aur Drame in 1943. Meanwhile, due a quarrel with then director of the All India Radio, poet N. M. Rashid, he left his job and returned to Bombay in July, 1942, where he started working with film industry once again, and entered his best phase in screenwriting, giving films like Aatth Din, Chal Chal Re Naujawan and Mirza Ghalib, which was finally released in 1954 [2]. Some of his best short stories also came from this phase, including Kaali Shalwar, Dhuan (1943) and Bu which was published in Qaumi Jang (Bombay) in February 1945. Another hightlight of his second phase in Bombay was the publication of an important collection of his stories, Chugad, which also included the story Babu Gopinath [5]. He continued to stay in Bombay, till he moved to Pakistan in January 1948, much after the partition of India in 1947. Output as PDF file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from www. 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Sunday, November 3, 2019
Sin and Homosexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sin and Homosexuality - Essay Example Andrew Sullivan would reject ideas and opinion expressed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger citing the examples of the Bible and Hebrews Scriptures. Homosexuality is a sin because it is unnatural for a person to have sexual relations with the same sex. This issue is stated in Leviticus: ââ¬Å"you shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abominationâ⬠(Sullivan 188). At the level of policy, Sullivan argues that the Church oppose homosexuality, which by its very nature is at odds with the norm of the procreative family, a norm which is major contribution to the civilization of humanity. The essay is an effort to make explicit this "civilizing" role of heterosexual marriage, a role recognized, emphasized, and sanctified by biblical religion. In contrast to Andrew Sullivan, Cardinal Josef Ratzinger states that homosexuality cannot be regarded as a sin because ââ¬Å"human beings, therefore, are nothing less than the work of God himself; and in the complementarity of the sexes t hey are called to reflect the inner unity of the Creatorâ⬠(Ratzinger). The church should express Christ's love and compassion toward homosexual persons, but should also uphold the vision for sexuality and marriage. Thus, Andrew Sullivan would agree with some ideas expressed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger recognizing the difference between homosexual acts and homosexual orientation. ââ¬Å"Persons with a homosexual orientation are not to be condemned or prosecuted, but treated with dignity, respect and compassionâ⬠(Sullivan 190). The homosexual movement is interpreted by the colloquium as part of a larger sexual agenda rooted in a destructive lack of discipline and restraint. He concludes that homosexuality is such a threat to heterosexual marriage (which does involve commitment to a common good) that society ought in every acceptable way possible discourage homosexuality. Similar to Andrew Sullivan, Cardinal Josef Ratzinger states that: "as in every moral disorder, homosexual activity prevents one's own fulfillment and happiness by acting contrary to the creative wisdom of God" (Ratzinger). The main difference between the critics is the way they use arguments and perspectives of the Scripture. Andrew Sullivan uses direct meaning of the Scripture while Cardinal Josef Ratzinger applies general concepts and views on human nature and divine nature of every person to homosexual relations. Thus, Andrew Sullivan would oppose Cardinal Josef Ratzinger because homosexual behavior odds with God's purpose for sexual union, a purpose which is revealed in Scripture. Jones defends a "high view" if Scripture which, he argues, explicitly condemns homosexuality and establishes heterosexual marriage as God's standard. Andrew Sullivan would state that a homosexual person should hide its sexual orientation because "it violates the God's plan for human sexuality" (Sullivan 188). The distinction between homosexuality as a condition of sexual predispositions and homosexual behavior becomes important. Its opposition to homosexual behavior is rooted in the interpretation of Scripture as unequivocally viewing homosexuality as immoral and is founded
Friday, November 1, 2019
Substance abuse in youth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Substance abuse in youth - Essay Example In the pursuit of putting an end to these social evils immediate steps and efforts need to be focused on programs fostering todayââ¬â¢s youth towards a healthy life both physically and socially. The topic is of both personal and professional interest for me because I have worked as a counselor in the criminal justice field over the course of last few years. I got to interact with youth gang members having substance abuse issues and other problem behaviors. This is how I got intrigued with this field and realized the need to establish a strong foundation in preventing substance abuse in youth. In this study the researchers studied the association between the youth gangs and their drug usage and trafficking and also to violence and criminal activities. In relevance to the thesis statement the report shows a recent peak in the consumption of drugs by the youth esp. the youth gang members when compared to non-gang member youth and its negative impact on the society in the form of violent crimes. Youth has always been taken as an asset for a community but baneful activities such as substance abuse makes them detrimental for a society and more of a liability. Considering todayââ¬â¢s exceptionally large need of man-power for a countryââ¬â¢s progress, economic growth and industrial development special attention needs to be paid to youth development, empowerment and right social and moral upbringing. With the above consideration and also the intention to make the society a better place to live and free of heinous crimes the society needs to take immediate actions against these growing negative trends amongst the youth but in a positive way. The solution lies in training, civilizing and developing the youth on the pattern which makes them a contributor and an asset for the community and not in just hazing the youth gangs. A better youth and a society free of gang division and violence will guarantee a better and prosperous
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