Saturday, August 31, 2019

Labor Market Trends

Most of the economic analysts argue that trend of the labor market can be characterized as a dynamic one, meaning on a constant change, and its dynamism can be attributed to the changing economic performance of the market and some other factors that imposes an effect to the labor market. During the time when the economy is in good or bad condition, the behavior of the labor market is very different on every scenario. By understanding the trend of the labor force would mean, for the policy makers, having the capacity of predict the level and skills of the labor force that will be available in the economy and on how they will utilize its number to attain the societal goal as a whole. An economy having a surplus or a deficit of laborers would certainly bring costs and benefits. This is the reason why the labor market trends should be monitored form time to time. Factors affecting the labor market pattern should also be considered. Technology, government policy and the like must also be included into attention for it imposes either direct and/or indirect effects to the labor market trends. In the technological world that we are now living, it is ordinary for the economy to demand for new skills, job opportunities and new line of labor in order to suffice the need of the modern kind of living. With the complexity of the economy as time goes by, the policy makers has to monitor the demand and supply of low skilled and high skilled workers to protect the welfare of the majority while maximizing the profitability of the economy as a whole. As for the companies that plan to hire workers, it is necessary for them to understand the trend in the labor market for them to determine the level of education the available worker has and to set their standards based from the given information (Marcotte, 1991). This paper aims to discuss the current labor trend such as the trends for new jobs and its relationship to career development by relating an article about labor market trend to the existing one. Labor Market Trend Employment rate, wage rate, growth rate of the industries and the required level of education for an individual to have a work are just a few of the factors that should be considered in identifying the current trend in the labor market. According to the article of Fix, he talked about the reason of the increase in the demand for the laborers in the late 1990’s due to the sustainable growth in the US and globalization in the economy that even the low skilled workers and single mothers are hired to suffice the demand for the laborers. With this we can see that economic forces affect the trend in the labor market. The higher the investments in economy, the greater the number of possible job opportunity for that certain employment line. One example to this is the current high demand of the nurses in many parts of the world, because of this; most of the undergraduate students tend to study nursing in order to have a better career, get a better salary and so forth. It is understood that if a certain job line is in demand, there would be always a high wage rate, lot of benefits and â€Å"nice† employment terms and agreement. This is what has been the behavior of the students when choosing their undergraduate courses (Amirault, 1990). Government policies also play a vital role in affecting the trend in the labor market. Those job lines that have greater benefits compared to the others as mandated by the law would surely gain higher demand from the laborers (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). The government must also monitor their minimum wage rate to prevent their workers to migrate abroad. Migration of the skilled workers would greatly affect the economic performance of the country for it makes the country to have fewer workers in performing various economic roles. Wage rate must be set in balance in order to attract the workers to stay and work in the domestic market (Fix, 2002). The booming of a certain industry would also affect the current trend in the labor market for it attracts laborers to apply into that industry (Fix, 2002). One example into this is the impressive growth of the cellular phone industry in the south-east Asia and because of this, the tendency of the labor pool is to have a vocational course on electronics since there is a great demand for the said line of job. Cellular phone technicians also became in demand in the economy. Effects of the Globalization to Labor Market Trend Globalization has already been attributed to various negative effects that developed countries now experiencing. One of the main arguments of the analysts is that under globalization, multinational corporations are exporting laborers from the developed to developing countries through the aid of the â€Å"foreign direct investments† (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). When a certain corporation made its investment abroad, it brings with them some of the top skilled workers to supervise the operation of the new company branch in another country. In this case, all the skills of the imported laborers will benefit the country where the capitals are invested. And not only that, the host country could also benefit from the additional job opportunity that the company will offer to the labor market. Under the trade liberalization, the government is giving the consumers pieces of advice to prefer more the goods produced from abroad than with the locally produced one (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). With this, the local industry will find it hard to compete with the imported goods in terms of price and quality, therefore, harming the laborer since there is a possibility for them to be laid off to cut production costs on the part of the local industry. The increasing use of machineries and other advanced technological process to speed up the production made some laborers to loose their jobs since company owners prefer the most the machineries over the human labor for the former is more effective and efficient in working. Industries became more and more independent to technology in making their products produce faster and of great volume according to the International Labour Organization. It is therefore crucial for the government to regulate and protect the welfare of those laborers that might get harmed by their actions. Conclusion Based from the above statements and facts, we can clearly see that economic growth imposes negative effects to the trend in the labor market. The importation of the skilled workers leaves the importing country with less competitive laborers while letting the other countries to gain the benefits that are supposedly for the economy of the host country; and the preference of the imported goods than with the locally produced, harms not only the industry but also the laborers, for they could suffer from a decrease in their salary, or worse, loss their jobs. The behavior of the students in choosing a course also affects the future trend in the labor market. The number of demands for every job line serves as an attraction to the students. This would later on makes the supply of laborers on other job lines to turn down. The imbalance in the supply of the laborers in the economy could cause market turmoil and this should be prevented by the government to happen. The wage rate of the laborers especially the â€Å"low profiled† one must be monitored and evaluated often to ensure the welfare of those who are in need. As we all know, they compose the majority of the number of available workers in the market and by protecting their welfare would mean preserving the good working relationship of the workers and the market. Today labor unions play and have power to fight for the stake of the laborers in the economy and having trouble with them can greatly affect the economic performance of the country. A day mass demonstrations and strikes of the laborers could cause the loss of millions of dollars in terms of production of nay industry. The importance of understanding the trend in the labor market would really help every sector in the economy. REFERENCES Amirault, T. A. (1990). Labor market trends for new college graduates [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from Fix, D. S. N. a. M. (2002). Economic and Labor Market Trends [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007. International-Labour-Organization. (2000). Labour Market Trends and Globalization's Impact on Them [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from Marcotte, D. E. (1991). Learning in the Labor Market: The Changing Importance of Education and Training After â€Å"Formal† Schooling Ends [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from ; ;

Friday, August 30, 2019

Deprivation as a Result of Poverty Essay

Slums in Mumbai are only a reflection of many facets of poverty. The movie Slumdog Millionaire directed by Danny Boyle is an ideal portrayal of the harsh lives of children on the wrong side of India who experience the bitterness of poverty. Despite the unjust peculiarities and sorrows created by poverty, people are still hopeful on their future and still have lust for life. Dharavi is a perfect example of slum area. Slum area is generally defined as informal and low class settlements often found in the cities. â€Å"Dharavi is a sprawling, chaotic place of precariously-built brick houses, bamboo and corrugated iron-roofed huts, milky cess pits, greasy fried food stalls and noisy, dusty workshops† with unreasonably many number of population (â€Å"Slum in Mumbai† 2009). Their illegal settlements deprived them of public services such as water sewage and medical assistance. Moreover, their massive population encourages fornication, street gangs or other forms of violence, health problems, homelessness and thus poverty. The level of poverty experienced in the Slums of Mumbai is not only manifested in the shortest of common or basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water. But poverty also deprived them of many opportunities such as the education, high paying careers and updated modernity. Children and youth under the state of poverty instead of participating in community and social services for their individual growth and learning will be forced to work at a very early age to provide for their family. Thus spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth is relatively slower compared to those youngsters expose to different learning communities/ activities. People who live in poverty often perceive themselves as hopeless individuals and unconsciously see themselves as victims of capitalism. They often have a bad impression towards government and social institutions believing that their services are unfairly distributed for the people like them. As a result, they are the one prone to rebellious activities against the government. They are often putted into a situation where they make impulsive decisions for the sake of survival that will only serve to further complicate their lives. This may include considering crime as an acceptable or justifiable alternative for physical survival. Ultimately, their value system and moral standard will be greatly affected. Poverty may cause disunity inside the family and community as a whole. Example of this is the increasing number of single mothers and separated parents because couples can’t live by love alone. Poverty may lead to encountering many mental and psychological problems because and anxieties and different levels of depression. The effects of poverty all over the world especially on slum areas show inequalities and disparities between the rich and the poor. It is not only a reflection of their own wrongdoings but also a reflection of mismanagement in governance and unequal distribution of wealth and resources. Moreover, poverty especially in Asia is also a reflection of cultural causes which exercise their life in conformity to their tradition and religion. The United Nations and various social institutions though are working hand in hand to at least lessen poverty since everybody deserves a decent life. . (2009). â€Å"Slum in Mumbai†. The Star Online. Retrieved on February 17, 2009 from http://thestar. com. my/lifestyle/story. asp? file=/2009/2/16/lifefocus/3092984&sec=lifef

Thomas Jefferson: Did He Live up to His Beliefs?

Thomas Jefferson did not fully live up to his beliefs, to the extent of the Louis Ana purchase and the issue on slaves. Thomas Jefferson was a simple man, a feeder list, whose beliefs included strict construction of the constitution, and that all men are created equal. Despite the fact the Jefferson built schools in order to give the poor CEQ al rights, he went against his beliefs surrounding slavery. In Document 2, Jeffery on States â€Å"Black men are pests†.He is saying that Black people are incapable of being as successful as whites, which directly contradicts his beliefs. Also, after he realize De he wouldn't be able to change the rules on slavery, he kept his slaves on his plant action. Document 4 suggests that â€Å"Jefferson slaves were his property'. Both Dotcom .NET 4 and 5 talk about Jefferson grant of freedom to seven slaves. It talks about a s lave which he had an affair with, and her children, who were all given freedom. He only granted freedom to very few slave s, which proves he did not live up to his bell ifs.The Louisiana purchase was directed by a loose construction of the constitution, c monetary to Jefferson beliefs. It says in Document 6, † Nowhere in the constitution could J offers find mention of the purchase of land from foreign powers. † Presidents do not have this right to purchase such lands, yet Jefferson thought it wasn't beyond his rights given in the constitution.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Communication and motivation skills related to coaching Essay

Communication and motivation skills related to coaching - Essay Example In the ordinary and natural sense or aspect, visionary and pragmatic leaders play a vital role in the aspect and sphere of coaching. This is to since they ought to be alive to the fact that the direct outcome of the coaching process would be dependent on the ability of the leaders or the coach to relate properly with the other participants of the team. Thus in order to effectively develop and construct an effective coaching and motivation pattern, the coach ought to adhere to the coaching philosophy in the absolute context so as to best place him or her for the task at hand. To begin with, it would be incumbent and prudent on the part of the coach to delineate three basic philosophical perspectives and internalize them accordingly. They include, the coach ought to know his or her strengths, weaknesses and areas or regions which would require that the coach improves or changes. Secondly, is the circumstance or aspect which requires the coach to understand and contextualize the challenges that the coach may face in the course of discharging his or her mandate (Palmer & Whybrow, 2014). Lastly, it is critical to the coach to understand his or her subjects, athletes or players in terms of their goals, natural abilities, personalities, strengths or weaknesses. Intuitively, it demands that a person knows his or her weaknesses and then focusing on the positives or the strengths so as to allow the coach to perform effectively. In the rhetoric sense and sphere, it would be imprudent for a coach for instance to know whether he or she is a good orator? Motivator? Charismatic? Or possesses any positive skill which may influence the players and the general outcome of the team in the positive way. Similarly, by understanding the challenges or likely barriers which may face a coach during the discharge of responsibility equips

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Haemophillia type A genetic disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Haemophillia type A genetic disease - Essay Example At times, there occurs a change in genes or mutation which alters the instructions present in genes for protein making. Then the protein either misses entirely or stops working properly, causing certain medical condition known as genetic disorder. So, a genetic disease refers to a disorder or illness that is caused by one or multiple defects and abnormalities present in the genome. It is particularly caused by a certain condition which is congenital (present since birth). Such disorders are usually rare to occur and, in several thousand, only one person is affected (Griffiths, Anthony; Wessler, Susan, Carroll, Sean, Doebley, John, p. 57). The genetic abnormality in many people may range from minor to major, or in other words, from a single base discrete mutation in the DNA of a single gene to a gross chromosome abnormality connecting the subtraction or addition of a set of chromosomes or chromosomes on whole. There are different types of genetic disorders; some are passed down to children from parents, while many other genetic abnormalities occur due to mutations or acquired changes in a preexisting group of genes or gene. It is usually due to the various environmental exposures that gene mutations occurs (MedicineNet). The disorders caused by mutation of genes may not be heritable sometimes, i.e., passed down to offspring from parents genes. The genetic disorders that are non-heritable as they may be defected by the new changes or mutations to the DNA. In these situations, if the defect occurs in germ line, only then, it will be heritable. On the other hand, the inherited genetic conditions in some people may be the reason for the occurrence of same disease, such as a particular type of cancer (Kuliev, Verlinsky, p.179–83). This happens mainly through the environmental reasons and also by new mutations in many other people. The inherited deficiencies of coagulation factors include Hemophilia A and B, also known as

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Visual dynamic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Visual dynamic - Essay Example As a photographer, Brandenburg was well-known for being dissatisfied with the pictures that he took; out of hundreds of rolls, he would often only submit a handful for publication. In 1981, the United States Postal Service commissioned Brandenburg to come up with a set of wildlife stamps. Throughout his career, Jim Brandenburg has received much recognition from his peers and photo critics alike. In 1988, Brandenburg was named the Wildlife Photographer of the Year by BBC Wildlife and The Natural History Museum. Three years later, Brandenburg received UN recognition, the Global 500 Environmental World Achievement Award, and was presented the award by the king of Sweden. Outdoor Photography Magazine included Brandenburg in its list of â€Å"40 Most Influential Nature Photographers.† Brandenburg also used his popularity for to help others by establishing the Brandenburg Prairie Foundation in 1999. The purpose of this organization is to protect the prairie in Brandenburg’s home state of

Monday, August 26, 2019

The influence of the movie on the society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The influence of the movie on the society - Essay Example Remember that Sontag believes movies lost their "art" in her time, and Norma believed movies lost their "art" once sound came in - in the late 1920s. Are they right? By means of looking into one’s own experience of being transported by the motion picture and allowing it to gain momentary control of human reflexes within the span of film’s length, the moviegoer manages to prove the truth behind Susan Sontag’s conviction through a varying insight to the encounter with the story and the audio-visual effects projected across the big screen. Typically, since movies are created to depict a dynamic narrative of life under a rare perspective with striking parallels to the circumstances of reality, the watcher becomes gradually kidnapped by such an essence that occurs to fulfill the movie’s objective of getting the viewer seek profound relevance. As the movie serves a vehicle that takes one to reflect with vivid imagination and pertinent emotion at depth, the act o f kidnapping, as Sontag puts it to be the principal role assumed by the film, is sustained. On the other hand, Norma’s observation that movies lost art during the arrival of the talkies in the late 1920s tends to signify reference to the aesthetic value of a motion picture.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The African American Male and the Prison Industrial Complex Assignment

The African American Male and the Prison Industrial Complex - Assignment Example This essay declares that regardless of the political affiliation of a given politician, one of the very last things that he/she wants is to appear weak on crime to the electorate. Accordingly, politicians are perpetually pushing for stiffer and more draconian sentencing for even non-violent first time offenses. This self-perpetuating cycle of greater and greater numbers of incarcerated person, stricter laws, as well as corporate interests in the ever expansive and privatized role of correctional institutions in the United States bears witness to the failed policies of the War on Drugs and the War on Crime which date back to the early 1970’s. As the report highlights interestingly enough, most Americans are unaware that the actual crime rate of the United States has actually been diminishing for over 20 years now. This is striking information when compared with the following: â€Å"Today’s 2 million prisoners (not counting the 5 million who are under supervision of the criminal justice system) represent a prison and jail system ten times larger than that which existed in the United States a mere twenty-nine years ago. War on crime is not rooted in rising crime rates but is rather the result of the rise in public’s concern over crime, which has been wrought not by the criminals in the real world but by the images of the criminals who now break into our living rooms nightly through the window of the television.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analysis of Jean Watson's Transpersonal Caring Theory Essay

Analysis of Jean Watson's Transpersonal Caring Theory - Essay Example An in-depth analysis of the Jean Watson’s theory suggests that it promotes the worldview of pragmatism rather than realism. This can be estimated from the fact that realists consider reality independent of human mind. To realists, reality is what happens in the world of physics. Realism is more about technicality and science than spirituality or sociology. On the other hand, pragmatism is more concerned with the sociological side of the picture. Pragmatism promotes the belief that humans can make a difference by manipulating things in the right manner. To pragmatists, reality is what is experienced. Reality changes as experiences change. Thus, we can improve our experiences by applying theory into practice. Pragmatism essentially links theory to practice and this is indeed, the crux of Jean Watson’s theory. According to Watson, nursing is â€Å"a human science of persons and human health—illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific , esthetic, and ethical human care transactions† Nurses can use Jean Watson’s theory as a guide to learn what kind of interpersonal skills are fundamental to the building up of their rapport with the patients. In order to inculcate the theoretical principles into their practice, nurses need to identify the elements Watson has stressed upon. There are three primary elements of the Jean Watson’s theory, which include the carative factors, the occasion of caring, and the transpersonal caring relationship (Cara, n.d.). ... To pragmatists, reality is what is experienced. Reality changes as experiences change. Thus, we can improve our experiences by applying theory into practice. Pragmatism essentially links theory to practice and this is indeed, the crux of Jean Watson’s theory. According to Watson, nursing is â€Å"a human science of persons and human health—illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic, and ethical human care transactions† (Watson, 1988, p. 54). Thus, Jean Watson’s theory is based upon the worldview of pragmatism. How can nurses use Jean Watson’s Theory to further nursing knowledge in practice? Nurses can use Jean Watson’s theory as a guide to learn what kind of interpersonal skills are fundamental to the building up of their rapport with the patients. In order to inculcate the theoretical principles into their practice, nurses need to identify the elements Watson has stressed upon. There are three prima ry elements of the Jean Watson’s theory, which include the carative factors, the occasion of caring, and the transpersonal caring relationship (Cara, n.d.). Watson has discussed carative factors in order to distinguish them from the conventional curative factors. Watson believes that the curative factors are meant to â€Å"honor the human dimensions of nursing’s work and the inner life world and subjective experiences of the people we serve† (Watson, 1997, p. 50). Nursing occasion is any occasion in which a nurse encounters a patient with a need of human caring. The transpersonal caring relationship is a human care relationship which is influenced by a nurse’s commitment towards her job and her moral understanding of the nursing practice. In order to integrate the nursing knowledge into the nursing practice,

Friday, August 23, 2019

New Skills for Career fulfillment and Job Satisfaction Essay

New Skills for Career fulfillment and Job Satisfaction - Essay Example The Saudi Export business plays an important part in the economic decisions of many countries with quite a few economies tied directly to it, with many being indirectly affected thereby. The position I am aiming for is influential indeed and it is, therefore, imperative that the candidates for the position have the finest and most up to date education possible. This is exactly what I expect from my proposed program of study at this esteemed educational establishment i.e. I expect that enrolling for, and then obtaining, this degree would enable me to stand next to, if not ahead of, the finest qualified people in this field as this program offers a state of the art syllabus. To ensure getting a glimpse of the bigger picture, I opted for International Business and Information Systems (IBIS) as a major for my undergraduate studies, at the University of Tampa, Florida. This was to study the impact of computer technology and information systems on global business(es). I believe it is time to further supplement my knowledge and skills in the international trade area by enrolling in the M.Sc. Finance program. The combination, I believe, will give me the skills needed to enter the race towards my objectives and put me ahead of the competition in achieving them. I am honoured to be considered for the M.Sc. Finance program and greatly appreciate you going through my application. I shall eagerly look forward to being accepted into the Texas A&M University-Commerce community, and am anticipating a positive response from your end.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 40

Psychology - Essay Example eeling and 1ehaviour of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of other human beings.† In other words, the concept itself talks about the mindset of a crowd of people living in a particular environment, brought up in a particular manner and dealing with everyday situations the way that they feel best, however, at the same time, their thoughts may not be compatible with people belonging to a different society. The main aim of this subject is to understand various topics like social behaviour, individual conformity to a group of peers, as well as emotions that one experiences like aggression or prejudice towards something. Understanding social interaction is very important because it forms the basis of human relationships; only when one is able to understand the thinking of another will he be able to act in an appealing manner to be accepted by that person. This is a subject that is prevalent in all streams and aspects of the world; may it be education, work or a personal life, it is pertinent to understand social behaviour in order to comprehend the social psyche of an individual and act in a befitting manner. It cuts across all other subjects especially other disciplines of sociology itself because it aims to decipher people’s notions and apply it to daily living. The interesting thing about this subject is that it focuses not on a particular individual and his characteristics or traits but on a group of such people and their collective behaviour while being part of a bigger picture and being caught in a different situation. People often manipulate their emotions and conduct in order to fit into various situations and feel comfortable in various circumstances and thus this subject assists in breaking down the psyche of an individual with respect to the entire social surrounding or setting and finding out where he or she may be going wrong with respect to their own identities. Social psychologists thus focus on situations that

Bad Home Life Essay Example for Free

Bad Home Life Essay Children all over the world suffer everyday from bad home life, born with health problems, no shelter, abusive parents, not having enough food or water to have a good living. Majority of the children are robbed of their childhood. Everyone has heard about the problems in Africa mainly children dying of lack of food and clean water causing malnutriton. After researching more about what caught my eye was the problem in Uganda that has been going on for about twentyfive years and still happening today. It’s a very tragic and almost unbelievable story that this would happen in the lives of young children. Imagine the little kids you see on the playground at your nearby elementary school were running around with guns just shooting whatever got in their way. It’s basically an army led by Joseph Kony who was once a rebel of the army. Made up of thousands of children starting at five years old to adulthood. Majority of the children that have joined are dead now reaching a certain age. He was just not just a mass murderer but involved in many sex crimes as well. He starts by kidnapping the children from their homes the parents are killed in front of their children some the children are forced to shoot their parents. They are then forced to become apart of the army some disagree and are killed on the spot. Women are also captured to look after the young children that are captured they are also brutally raped some survive or killed, they become widowed too by the killing of their husbands. They also become responsible for feeding the children waking up early in the morning in search of food. The women become very restless and suffering due to the loss of their relatives and husbands. There is somewhat a change happening in Africa to help with this problem called the SOS Social Centre supports over 250 children and their mothers in the community who have been affected by the civil war with counseling, and medical, nutritional and educational support. Former soldiers of the army that have escaped also receive counseling. To think that these people and children do not have rights or health care that we here in America were born with is unbelievable. Many children in the SOS are orphans due to losing their parents, brother and sisters etc. , they have certain program for this called the Family Strengthening Program so there are less abandoned children. Today, chased beyond Ugandas borders, Kony stalks the wildly remote jungles straddling the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and southern Sudan, eluding American backed efforts to end his demented war and save the children who suffer at his hand.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Nestlé industry

Nestlà © industry Executive Summary Nestlà © is the largest food and beverage industry in the world. Its revenue in million in 2008 were 89,630.00, they employ over 276000 people around the world. (Global 500) Their goals are to produce good, healthy, and tasty foods which are consisted of important nutrients. (Nestlà © South Africa) These features make Nestlà © a unique business which profits by offering products which gives satisfactions to all customers. After we skimmed through the Fortune 500 list of the companies, there were a lot of choices of well known companies, however, we picked up Nestlà © Corporation. Since we grow up with Nestlà ©s products which are nutritional and healthy products, and at the same time very tasty, it seemed interesting for us to do the project about this well known Corporation. The most important issue facing our company today is to maintain the quality of our products and continue to maintain our strong brand name known for its healthy products. Business Mission Vision According to the founder of Nestlà ©, Henri Nestlà ©, Nestlà ©s mission is to: positively influence the social environment in which we operate as responsible corporate citizens, with due regard for those environmental standards and societal aspirations which improve quality of life. Furthermore, the vision and values of Nestlà © are to make Nestlà © a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products. (Nestlà © South Africa) Description of the Business The address of corporate headquarters is: Ave, Nestle 55 Vevey 1800, Switzerland. Nestlà © operates in 83 countries, in five continents. It has more than 509 factories out of which 220 are located in Europe, 153 in America, 136 in Africa Oceania (MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION) According to the official website of the Company, Nestlà © was formed by Henry Nestlà © in 1867. He was a pharmacist. In the beginning he started to produce milk food for newborn babies, which was the first milk cereal for children. The company was located in Switzerland, where the actual largest headquarter is located even today. Then, in short period the company started to grow and expand, and also offering a large variety of products. Nowadays, the company is a corporation which has multiple stockholders. Throughout its existence, Nestlà © has merged with some international companies. For example, in 1905 merged with a Anglo-Swiss milk company. (MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION) In 1998 Nestlà © purchased the UK largest chocolate factory, then it made some other agreements with some other companies. In 2002, Nestlà © made a partnership with Coca-Cola, then with General Mills, LOreal. These mergers helped Nestlà © expand their market shares on the global international market. (Nestlà ©.) The brand name of Nestlà © comes from Henries surname. It is a short name which can be easily remembered. It is a well known and everyone can identify its logo. The quality of Nestlà ©s products made the brand easily identified, including the slogan of the brand, Good Food, Good Life. Since Nestlà © is a company which operates in the global market, it means that its products are spread worldwide and they are available whenever consumers need them. Nestlà © over the time has developed and continues to maintain a strong reputation on the Food Industry. We consider that Nestlà © is on the stage of brand insistency. This means that costumers insist on getting Nestlà ©s products, and this is considered to be a big advantage for the company. (Nestlà ©) The legal status of Nestlà © is a corporation, which is a business that includes stockholders. The main headquarter of Nestlà © is in Switzerland; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe is the CEO. According to the Global 500, the stockholders equity is 46,006.2 million dollars. (Global 500) The board of directors represents the stockholder on managing the corporation. Nestlà © deals with manufacturing of products, thus, its type of business is manufacturing. Nestlà © produces a fairly similar group of individual products. Its products are produced on similar ways, they have fairly similar prices, which make up a great product line. They produce milk and chocolate products, water, baby food, coffee, and so on. Since Nestlà © is a huge corporate, they produce on large amounts. We know that when a product is being produced in large amount, its production costs are lower, comparing to products produced on small amounts, thus these lower production costs leads Nestlà © to bring its products on the market with reasonable prices, from which the consumers benefit directly. Furthermore, they use a production program which includes green technology (environmental friendly technology) that saves electricity, does not pollute the air which leads to consumers benefits. They sell different types of chocolates, ice creams, coffees, natural water, baby food, flavored milks, etc. Some of the products offered from Nestlà © are NESCAFÉ, NESQUIK, Hot Chocolate, Cocoa, Chocolates, AERO BAR ONE Chocolate Assortments CHOCOLATE LOG CLASSIC Slabs CRISP CRUNCH Baking Chocolate KIT KAT TEX MILKY BAR MILO Nestlà © GOLD ROLO SMARTIES SUCROSE FREE Powdered Milk, Nutren Shakes Convalescing Malnourishment Diabetes Supplements Critical Care Nestlà © Baby Foods, CERELAC Gold CERELAC NESTUM Infant Formula Nestlà © Waters, Still Sparkling Flavoured Water Dispensers Imports Ice Cream, Impulse Take Home Out of Home Nestlà © Cereals, and so on. Consumers may benefit in different ways from buying Nestlà ©s products. From the consumers point of view, when we decide to buy something to eat or drink, we want to get the most satisfaction from it. Thus, we look at its price first, then its ingredients, if it is nutritious, if it is tasty, and healthy. Since Nestlà ©s company objective is to produce healthy, tasty, nutritious food, and they offer them at reasonable prices, we conclude that consumers benefit by buying Nestlà © products. Nestlà ©s products are considered as high quality products. Furthermore the raw material for example for chocolate, milk is purchased only from the milk producers who grow and give food to their cows in natural ways. All Nestlà © products are demanded, because Nestlà © first makes research and market analysis then starts to produce its products. But still chocolate products are the most demanded products from Nestlà ©. In order for Nestlà © to grow and expand its market share is to follow up and to adapt to the current trends that are affecting the food industry. For example, the trend of customers demanding low and no fat products is increasing, and if Nestlà © develops a strategy to adapt and expand production of low and no fat products, this would be a growth opportunity. Franchising is perceived as a way for companies to expand on other markets. In our case, this also would be a growth opportunity, however, they should supervise and control and see if the franchisee is maintaining the quality standards that the Nestlà © Company sets to them. Also Nestlà © officials should make sure that the franchisees are maintaining the prestige and the reputation of the brand. The corporate goals and objectives are to maximize their profits. They tend to achieve this by meeting consumers demand, by offering nutritional products which taste good, coping up with trends. There are many resources for producing products related to food industry. Nestlà ©s success is reliant on fresh milk, cocoa, sugar, water, power supply, materials related packaging, technology, transportation modes. Suppliers define success when there is a huge demand for their products, while the stakeholders define success if they achieve to increase the market shares, having enough resources to meet the demand, and maximizing profits by increasing sales. Market Analysis Nestlà ©s primary target is considered to be people of all ages. In this range there are included infants, children, teenagers, adults, and elderly people. If we take age into consideration, we conclude that it is a factor that distinguishes the consumers, since Nestlà ©s has products made especially for infants, while on the other hand we have other products which are targeted to athletes, or to adults, such as coffee. Despite of the age, gender, income, and education level are not factors to be included in targeting Nestlà © consumers. There is not a special product of Nestlà © which is dedicated to males or females, or to people with different levels of education, while when it comes to income, since our products are not expensive, we dont consider income a factor to target Nestlà ©s products. From the consumers point of view, we define Nestlà © as a successful company if they meet our demands, they always supply us with new products, we find Nestlà ©s products easily and with a fair price. Also, a factor of Nestlà ©s success would be seen if they are aware of social responsibility meaning that they should care more for the benefits of the society as a whole and not only for companies profits. In general, the food industry is in the level of steady market that does not necessarily grow since people always use food products because they are necessity goods which no one can substitute them with something else. Furthermore, even if Nestlà © is always bringing new products on the market, since the population is still growing, we cannot say that it is being placed on the growing level. SWOT analysis Strengths Nestlà © has a very organized structure, it manages to lead in an effective way more than 276 000 employees and that requires great organizational skills. Thus, one of the strengths of the company is considered to be the organizational structure, Nestlà © is divided in sectors and each sector has their CEOs, then it has the executive board and in the top is the CEO. The hierarchy on Nestlà © works perfectly. Efficient chain of supply, it delivers its products in a good condition in a fast way. Furthermore, it is a Socially Responsibility and innovative company. It has skilled and educated employees. Weaknesses Since Nestlà © develops many products, it is impossible to promote each of them. Another weakness is that Nestlà ©s products are dependable on milk, any global disease on cows may impact directly on Nestlà ©s production. Opportunities Nestlà © has many growth opportunities which are considered to be current trends that allow the company to extend its market. If Nestlà © catches up with some of the trends that are affecting food industry then it may be an opportunity to increase their profits. Threats As a threat that intimidates the company may be the current global economic crises. Nestlà © has to react fast with a strategy in order to pass the world recession without many losses. It may overturn into a disaster for the company if they ignore what is happening in the global economy. Another threat is competitions operations. PEST analysis Political The government plays a role on Nestle in terms of the rules that the government makes related to the food industry in general. For example failing to meet any standard of quality, hygiene or other set by the government may result in some sanction or fee for the company. Economic When it is about economics, companies always fear any recession that may occur. So if any recession occurs Nestle will be affected, and result in possible losses. Another way of economic involvement is the tax rises which also interrelated to the Political (government regulations). However if the economy is doing well it means that also Nestle expectations are to do well on the market too, because it has the necessary conditions. Social Change of life styles, income level, place of residence, education level are some social factors, which might have an influence in a company. But when it comes to food industry they doesnt make a huge difference, because food is a necessity and whether you live in urban or rural areas, or whether you are educated or not, you need to eat unless it is a luxury, and most of the Nestle products are for everyday use or necessity. Technological Technological advancements always shape the industries; change the way they are produced, and makes industries much more productive, but also the need for employees is lower. With the new technologies productivity has increased, the delivery of products is easier; products are being safer with the new packaging. Another segment related to technology is that the advertisement of Nestle products is much easier with internet, other media channels. Nestlà © uses market segmentation in order to develop a suitable market mixes for different consumers. For example, they segment market for only water consumers or products which are dedicated only for athletes. First step of market segmentation is to name broad product markets, for example, in the case of Nestlà © would be beverage and then as stated earlier segment this market on only a relatively homogeneous group of consumers, such as athletes. According to Fortune 500 the five most influential competitors of Nestlà © are considered to be Unilever, PepsiCo, Sara Lee, Groupe Danone, ConAgra Foods. However, Nestlà © has advantages over these particular competitors since it is a larger company and can produce with lower cost, thus the products can be offered with lower price, this can be seen as a weakness of these companies over Nestlà ©. They, offer fairly similar products as Nestlà © does. They also use many advertisement tools such as, TV, radio, news paper and so forth, some of them also use direct advertisement against Nestlà ©, for example PepsiCo. According to the research that we have done Nestlà © maintains to be ahead of these companies, so they are not taking market shares from Nestlà ©. In order to increase its market shares, Nestlà © Corporation must continue to develop new products, to spread even more on the countries that do not have factories. It must cope up with trends and forces that are affecting food industry today. The promotional budget of Nestlà © is set every year. Nestlà © for its products uses all known promotional tools. Nestlà ©s logo placed in a product makes Nestlà © responsible for the quality of the product. Advertising plan has an important role on promoting Nestlà ©s products therefore, advertising a product in an effective way increases chances for that product to be successful. They use many advertisement techniques to promote their products such as TV, Radio, Internet, Newspapers, and Magazines. (MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION) Beside advertisement, Nestlà © pays a lot of attention on the Public Relations field. They have a 24 hours media helpline so that journalists can contact them and inquire information whenever they want. Also, Nestlà © has developed a reputation and maintains that reputation through a variety of public relations strategy. The department of PR in Nestlà © tends to maintain a good relationship among employees and develop goodwill. They have developed or branded their CEO in a very professional matter and made him well known also developed its reputation worldwide. Because of their reputation when they can easily contact media to make announcements or Press Releases. According to Nestlà © pricing strategy, Nestlà © has its own set of techniques for setting the prices of the product. It does not primarily focus on the competitors pricing strategies. It emphasizes on the market demand of the product. Nowadays market is going through tough recession, so they set their prices keeping in view the purchasing power of the customers. Moreover the prices of the products are also subjected to the type of consumer product. If the product is a daily use then it can have a minimum price to attract the customer towards your product. Thus the company cannot influence much on the prices. (MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION) Trend 1: Step 1: State the focal issue or decision facing the enterprise. When a customer want to buy a product he goes through a decision process in order to choose between so many offers from different producers for the same product. Now when it comes to the food industry products, there are so many indicators that affect a persons decision. If it is farm friendly than it is an important factor that affects the decision of the buyers. Buyers will always choose the products that are consistent of organic and natural ingredients. In our case Nestlà ©s most important materials that purchases are milk and cocoa. And it is very important that Nestlà © purchases organic and natural milk and cocoa for the production of its products. Step 2: List the key factors that influence this decision. Certainly success will be considered that all of our raw materials (milk and cocoa) to be purchased from the farm-friendly sources. When we sell our products we also put the farm-friendly sign on it than customers will differentiate our products not only with our brand name, Nestlà ©, but also with its farm-friendly sign. Whereas failure would be considered if we fail to purchase organic and natural milk and cocoa. Whether it is because we cannot afford to buy them or nobody produces organic and natural milk, it still would be considered failure to us. In order to purchase the organic and natural sources, we need to know our suppliers. Where are their farms located, are there sufficient hygiene sources, check for possible diseases that cows may have and also some other issues that would affect the milk quality. Step 3: List the driving forces that influence these key factors Predictable: People will shift to the products that are farm-friendly (natural organic). Nestlà © will increase the profit. Nestlà ©s brand name will become stronger. Increase in the number of farmers who offer farm-friendly products Less predictable: Other food industries will use the same strategy. Higher competition. Highly uncertain: Customers will reject the farm-friendly products. The number of farm-friendly farmers will decrease. Step 4: Rank the key factors and driving forces by importance and by uncertainty. Step 5: Compose plots for alternate futures that could impact the decision. Best Case Scenario: The best case scenario would be if our customers like the products that produce by the organic and natural ingredients. And if this happens, customers shift their demand to these kinds of products, and certainly we will have to shift all of our sources in the production of these products. Furthermore we will grow our market because our brand name will be stronger and we expect a market growth for Nestlà ©. Worst Case Scenario: The worst case scenario would be if customers reject the farm-friendly products. And all of our production will be a loss for our company. Therefore we will lose our market shares not only for these kinds of products but also for other products produced by Nestlà ©. And this will lead to the weakening of our brand name. In-between case Scenario: The in-between case scenario would be if people will buy the organic and natural products but there wouldnt be any raise in the market shares or any change in the demand for Nestlà © products. Step 6: Evaluate the decision in each of the postulated scenarios. Best Case Scenario: We have to make the decision of producing our products with organic and natural ingredients because customers always tend to buy products that are natural and organic. And also products with natural and organic ingredients are much healthier and tastier too, so we will provide healthier and tastier products. By using this farm-friendly strategy of production we will affect also in the raise of the number of farmers in the rural areas. Worst Case Scenario: If the worst case scenario occurs than Nestlà © will for sure face losses in the market shares and in other sectors of the company too. In-between case Scenario: With the in-between case scenario occurrence Nestlà © will probably face some losses in some of its sectors, but it will be easier to rehab in a near future. Step 7: Select indicators and signposts for each scenario. Best Case Scenario: There will a huge demand for the products with organic and natural ingredients. Increase the market shares. Increase in profit. Worst Case Scenario: Rejection of farm-friendly products by customers. High production costs. Loose the market shares. In-between case Scenario: Competition. The market shares status: steady. Trend 2: Recently Nestlà © has merged with the Krafts Food Company so they will start to offer frozen pizzas. Since it is easy for people to prepare frozen products, it is considered that this trend will have positive effects on Nestlà ©s profits. Step 1. State the focal issue or decision facing the enterprise. A lot of consumers are interested on frozen products because it is easy to prepare them. If a person can prepare a Pizza for 5 minutes by putting it on Microwave, then they will buy it. The focused target for this products will be people who work and do not have enough time for preparing food. Also, the fact that Nestlà ©s slogan is Good Food, Good Health, it is obvious that the frozen pizzas will be healthy, nutritious and they tasty, therefore, there will be a demand for them. Step 2. List the key factors that influence this decision. In order to achieve this goal, which is to be successful in frozen food industry, we must get information from other food industries which deal with frozen products. We will obtain information which we will analyze, and according to them we will come up with our products. An important factor that influences us to this decision is the name of our company (Nestlà ©), which is a powerful name on the food and beverage industry. People will buy our products more when they realize that Nestlà © is the producer, thus they will increase the demand for the frozen pizzas o There will be a success if with this trend we increase the production and the profit to Nestlà ©. o There will be a failure if the target market will not accept our new products. If they do so, we have to start developing a new trend. Conditions/Events determining the success/failure: o Success  § If the trend increases the profit and bring success of Nestlà ©  § If consumers accept our products and get satisfaction from it  § If the demand of our frozen products will be higher than the demand for our competitors products. o Failure  § If this trend will bring losses to our company  § If frozen products will not be demanded by our target market Critical assumptions defining the logic of these responses o The competition on the food and drink industries nowadays is very large. In order to keep our clients and gain new ones, we must develop the frozen products on the market. Therefore, Nestlà © will be differentiated from other companies and will gain success by this trend. Step 3. List the driving forces that influence these key factors. Highly Predetermined/Predictable o An increase of people who consume frozen products o Increase companies profit o New production technology Less Predictable o A decrease of unemployment rate on rural areas o Market Size o Increase of employees income o Competitive advantage of Nestlà © o Higher production costs Step 4. Rank the key factors and driving forces by importance and by uncertainty. Step 5. Compose plots for alternate futures that could impact the decision. Best Case Scenario If we will be concentrated on frozen products, the demand for our frozen products and the profit of Nestlà © will be higher. In-Between Outcomes The trend of frozen products will keep things going almost on the same direction, but with a lower profit and production. Worst Case Scenario If we will not go through the strategy of our trend, our market size would be decreased and we will no more have competitive advantage. No one would buy frozen products with a high price if they find almost the same product with a lower price. Step 6. Evaluate the decision in each of the postulated scenarios. Best Case Scenario We should make this decision because it is a reasonable decision. First of all, the demand for frozen products is higher. Nowadays, most of the people are working and they need products which they can prepare quickly. By informing people about our trend which is Nestlà ©s Frozen Products, we will change the peoples behavior so the demand for our frozen products will increase even more. In Between On this case, the things will diverge a little from the best case, but we are sure that they will not get very bad. This is not a decision which brings us high profits, but it will help us to avoid failure. Worst Case Scenario If we take this scenario, we will face loses for sure. This is obvious that by having a high production cost, the price will increase, which would keep us away from clients. Step 7. Select indicators and signposts for each scenario. Best Case Scenario Demand for our products Number of clients is high Profit is high In Between The demand for frozen pizzas only (not necessarily other frozen products) Worst Case Scenario High production costs Small number of clients Many competitors Summary During the completion of the project we have done a lot of research to find proper information for each sector of the project assigned to us. We tried to work together on each sector in order to make the project more cohesive. We found very interesting information about Nestlà © and how a big company should operate. We used the terminology and concepts learned through the quarter in the Global Forces and Trends course. During the completion of the project we found out that Nestlà © is a very serious company, each department of Nestlà © has its own responsibilities and it is very well organized. It is important for Nestlà © to observe forces and trends that are affecting the food industry nowadays. It is essential for the company to maintain its market shares and its position in the global market through following the current trends such as: low and no fat products, use of green technology, farm friendly (use of organic and natural sources), healthy and tasty drinks, frozen produc ts and so on. We could expand our knowledge if continue to do more research and explore the company even in more details. Bibliography Global 500. CNN Money. CNN, 01 Jan. 2009. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION. Http:// Nestle Corporation, 29 May 2009. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . Nestlà ©. Nestlà © Corporation, n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . Nestlà © South Africa. Nestlà © Corporation, n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . Scenarios from Homework Arianit Bllaca: Trend: Low and no-fat products Step1: Trend The food industry is a very competitive market and companies are trying to adapt to changes of customer tastes, attitudes, beliefs in order to grab as much market shares as they can. Nestle is one of the most important brand on food industry that deals mainly with producing products such as chocolate, ice creams, beverage and so forth. Although, it is a leading company on this industry it has a very strong competitors. Nowadays many people are concentrating on buying products that have very low or no fat at all. Until now Nestle products had on average amount also included fat. The key issue is whether we as a company should shift our production on products with low and no fat? Or, perhaps give no importance to this trend and focus on other potential trends with higher importance? Step2: Key Factors that influence the decision In order to have clearer picture of the problem and construct a strategy on this issue, we need to have more information on the impact and importance of this trend on our company. We should do primary market research in order to create alternatives for solving the problem. If the results show that there is enough evidence that the trend will impact the market in wide range then we should go on with the decision. o If the companys decision to increase the production of the products that have low or no fat increases market shares, this would be considered as a success. It is also important that the shift of production in this direction will not impact on the cost of producing these types of products; the cost is lower or approximately the same as previous. o Failure is, if the decision for making more products with low or no fat essentially depreciates our customers base. The customers do not respond positively and do not appreciate the change. Conditions/Events determining the success/failure: o Success:  § The decision increases profit.  § The changes made by the company lead to more market shares.  § The actual customers like our new products.  § We are perceived as shapers of the market.  § We wider our customers base. o Failure:  § If our market shares drop significantly.  § The products do not taste as delicious as previous ones.  § The actual customers perceive it as an unnecessary move.  § We cannot attract new customers.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Estimation of Salbutamol Sulphate and Guaiphenesin

Estimation of Salbutamol Sulphate and Guaiphenesin SIMULTANEOUS ESTIMATION OF SALBUTAMOL SULPHATE AND GUAIPHENESIN IN THEIR COMBINED LIQUID DOSAGE FORM BY HPTLC METHOD Kruti D. Bhalara, Ishwarsingh S. Rathod, Sindhu B. Ezhava, Dolarrai D. Bhalara, ABSTRACT A simple, specific, sensitive and validated high-performance thin layer chromatographic (HPTLC) method was developed for the simultaneous analysis of Salbutamol sulphate and Guaiphenesin. Spectro-densitometric scanning-integration was performed at an absorbance wavelength 280 nm. A TLC aluminium sheet pre coated with silica gel 60 F254 was used as the stationary phase. The mobile phase system containing Ethyl acetate: Methanol: Ammonia (25% w/v) (75: 15: 10 v/v) gave a good resolution of Salbutamol sulphate and Guaiphenesin with Rf values of 0.47 and 0.65, respectively. The calibration plot of Salbutamol sulphate exhibited good linear regression relationship (r = 0.9987) over a concentration range of 200-1000 ng/spot. The calibration plot of Guaiphenesin exhibited good polynomial regression relationship (r = 0.9997) over a concentration range of 10-50 ÃŽ ¼g/spot. Detection and quantitation limit was found to be 70 ng and 100 ng respectively, for Salbutamol sulphate and 30 ng and 50 n g, for Guaiphenesin. The proposed method was used for determination of both drugs in Ventorlin and Asthalin Syrup containing Salbutamol sulphate and Guaiphenesin with satisfactory precision (Intraday) [2.67-4.46% for Salbutamol sulphate and 2.39-4.42% for Guaiphenesin] and accuracy [100.97 ± 0.50% and 100.45  ± 0.58% RSD, for Salbutamol sulphate and Guaiphenesin respectively] INTRODUCTION Salbutamol sulpahte (SAL) is the selective prototypic ÃŽ ²2-adrenoceptor agonist. It is used as an anti-asthmatic in the treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchospasm, in the patients with reversible obstructive airway and in prevention of exercise induced bronchospasm(1-3). It may be used in uncomplicated premature labour. SAL is chemically (RS)-1-(4-hydroxy-3-hydroxy- methyl phenyl)-2-(tert-butyl amino) ethanol sulphate(2, 3). Guaiphenesin (GUA) is used as an expectorant in the symptomatic management of coughs associated with the common cold, bronchitis, pharyngitis, influenza, measles etc(1-3). It is chemically (RS)-3-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-1,2- propanediol(2, 3). SAL and GUA combinations are available in the market for the respiratory disorders where bronchospasm and excessive secretion of tenacious mucus are complicating factors, for example bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis emphysema. Chemical structures of GUA and SAL are shown in Figure 1. SAL (API) is official in the Indian Pharmacopoeia(2), British Pharmacopoeia(4), and US Pharmacopoeia(5), and SAL syrup and tablets are official in British Pharmacopoeia(4). GUA (API) is official in the Indian Pharmacopoeia(2), British Pharmacopoeia(4), and US Pharmacopoeia(5), and GUA tablets, capsules and injection are also official in US Pharmacopoeia(5). However, the combination of SAL and GUA is not official in any pharmacopoeia. Several methods have been reported in literature for individual estimation of the drugs but very few methods have been reported for simultaneous estimation of SAL and GUA in combined dosage form, which includes chemo metrics-assisted spectrophotometry(6), Electro kinetic chromatography and Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry(7) and Micellar electrokinetic chromatography(8). HPLC, though accurate and precise method, is time consuming, costly and requires skilled operator. Therefore the aim of this study was to develop and validate simple, specific, inexp ensive, rapid, accurate and precise High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) method for simultaneous estimation of SAL and GUA in their combined dosage form. The proposed method was successfully applied to two marketed cough syrups Ventorlin ® and Asthalin ® and the contents were determined without any interference of excipients. MATERIALS Reagents and Materials (a) Solvents: Analytical reagent grade Ethyl acetate (Finar Chemicals, India) and methanol (RFCL Limited, India) and ammonia (25% w/v) (s. d. Fine Chem Limited, India); Iso propyl alcohol (s. d. Fine Chem Limited, India); Sodium bicarbonate (s. d. Fine Chem Limited, India) (b) Standards: SAL and GUA were a gift sample from Preet Pharma, Gujarat, India. (c) Ventorlin ® syrup (GSK Pharmaceutical Ltd, India) – Batch 02053, labeled 2 mg SAL and 100 mg GUA in each 5 ml of syrup, were purchased commercially. (d) Asthalin ® syrup (Cipla Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai, India) – Batch 060305, labeled 2 mg SAL and 100 mg GUA in each 5 ml of syrup, were purchased commercially. Apparatus (a) HPTLC Plate: 20Ãâ€"20cm, percolated with silica gel 60 F254, 0.2 mm layer thickness ( E.Merck, Germany) (b) Spotting device: Linomat IV Semiautomatic sample applicator (Camag, Switzerland) (c) Chamber: Twin trough chamber for 20 Ãâ€" 10 cm (Camag) (d) Densitometer: TLC Scanner-3 linked to win CATS software (Camag). Scanner mode- absorbance-reflectance; Scanning Wavelength: 280 nm; lamp: Deuterium; measurement type: remission; measurement mode: absorption; detection mode: automatic. Scanner setting- Slit dimension: 3.00 Ãâ€" 0.1 mm (e) Syringe: 100  µl (Hamilton, Switzerland) (f) Analytical balance: Shimandzu Libror AEG – 220 balances METHODS Preparation of SAL and GUA standard solutions Stock solution of SAL (equivalent to 2 mg/ml) was prepared by dissolving 20 mg SAL pure substance in 10 ml methanol. Working stock solution of SAL (equivalent to 0.2 mg/ml) was prepared by transferring 1.0 ml of above stock solution in 10.0 ml methanol. Stock solution (10 mg/ml) of GUA was prepared by dissolving 100 mg GUA pure substance in 10.0 ml methanol, separately. These solutions were stored under refrigeration at 40C. A mixture of the drugs was prepared by transferring 1.0 ml of stock solutions of each compound to 10 ml volumetric flask and diluting to volume with methanol. (Final concentrations of SAL, 0.02 mg/ml and GUA, 1 mg/ml) Preparation of calibration curve 10-50 micro liters of standard solutions of combined standard solution of SAL (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0  µg/spot) and GUA (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50  µg/spot) and 2 sample solutions (20  µl; corresponding to 0.4  µg SAL and 20  µg GUA/spot) were applied onto a pre coated HPTLC plate using the semiautomatic sample spotter (bandwidth: 3 mm, distance between the tracks: 5 mm). The plate was developed to a distance of 45 mm in a HPTLC chamber containing the mobile phase, i.e., Ethyl acetate-methanol-ammonia (7.5+1.5+1.0 v/v/v), at 25  ± 2 0C. The plate was dried at room temperature. The substances on the silica gel layer were identified densitometrically at 280 nm. The chromatograms were scanned at 280 nm with slit dimensions of 0.1 mm Ãâ€" 3 mm; 400 nm was used as the reference wavelength for all measurements. Concentrations of the compounds chromatographed were determined from changes in the intensity of diffusely reflected light. Evaluation was via peak area with linear re gression for SAL and polynomial regression for GUA. Preparation of sample solutions A 5 ml aliquot of the Commercial syrup (Ventorlin ® or Asthalin ®) was transferred into 10 ml volumetric flask. The volume was adjusted with methanol. From this solution, 2 ml was pipetted and transferred into another 10 ml volumetric flask. The volume was adjusted to the mark with methanol. The methanolic solution was used for chromatographic analysis. (SAL 20 ÃŽ ¼g/ml and GUA 1 mg/ml) Method validation The method was validated in compliance with International Conference on Harmonization guidelines(9). (a) Specificity._ The specificity of the method was established by comparing the chromatograms and measuring the peak purities of SAL and GUA from standard and sample solutions of liquid dosage forms. The peak purity of SAL and GUA were assessed by comparing spectra obtained at the peak start (S), peak middle (M) and peak end (E) of a spot. Correlation between SAL and GUA spectra from standard and sample was also obtained. (b) Accuracy._ The accuracy of the method was determined by standard addition method and calculating the recoveries of SAL and GUA . Prequantified sample stock solution of SAL and GUA ( 1 mL equivalent to 200 µG/ml of SAL and 10mg/ml of GUA) was transferred into a series of 10 mL volumetric flasks. Known amounts of standard stock solution of SAL(0, 1,2 and 3 mL equivalent to 200, 400, 600 ng/spot ) and GUA ( 0, 1, 2 and 3 mL equivalent to 0, 10,20 and 30  µg/spot) were added to this prequantified working sample solutions and diluted up to the mark with methanol. Each solution (10  µL) was applied on plates in triplicate. The plates were developed and scanned as described above, and the recovery was calculated by measuring the peak areas and fitting these values into the regression equation of the calibration curves. (c) Precision._ The intraday and interday precision of the proposed method was determined by estimating the corresponding responses five times on the same day and on five different days over a period of one week for three different concentrations of SAL (200, 400, 600 ng/spot) and GUA (10, 20, 30  µg/spot). The repeatability of sample application was checked by repeatedly measuring the area of seven spots having same concentration of SAL (400ng/spot) and GUA (20  µg/spot) applied on the same plate, while the repeatability of measurement of peak area was checked by repeatedly measuring the area of one spot of SAL (400ng/spot) and GUA (20  µg/spot) for seven times. The results were reported in terms of RSD. (d) LOD and LOQ._ The LOD and LOQ of SAL and GUA were calculated by preparing a series of solutions containing decreasing concentrations of SAL from 0.02 to 0.004 mg/ml and GUA from 1 to 0.001 mg/ml by appropriate dilution of the stock solutions of these drugs (SAL 0.02 mg/ml and GUA 1 mg/ml). (e) Robustness._ The robustness of the method was studied by changing the composition of the mobile phase by  ± 0.2 mL of organic solvent, development distance by  ±1 cm, and temperature by  ± 2ËÅ ¡C. Determination of SAL and GUA in Liquid Dosage Form The responses of sample solutions were measured at 280 nm for quantification of SAL and GUA by the proposed method. The amount of SAL and GUA present in the sample solutions were determined by fitting the responses into the regression equation of the calibration curve for SAL and GUA, respectively. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Since both SAL and GUA have nearly same wavelength maxima, interference becomes prominent in UV-Visible spectrophotometry. Also the estimation of any component at its null point is not that much reliable as the estimation at maximum wavelength. Consecutively for highly specific methods like HPLC and HPTLC, physical separation of those substances is usually necessary before quantitative determination of those substances. So, attempt has been made to develop a validated separation technique for the separation of SAL and GUA in the mixture by HPTLC. The chromatographic conditions were adjusted in order to obtain an efficient and simple routine method. Different mobile phases were tried for the separation of the above substances. The optimized solvent system was Ethyl acetate: methanol: ammonia (25 %w/v) (7.5:1.5:1;v/v/v). The Rf values were found to be 0.47 for SAL and 0.65 for GUA. (Figure 2) The maximum wavelength of SAL was found to be 279nm-280nm and the maximum wavelength of GUA was 274nm-275nm. As both compounds have nearly same ÃŽ » max, 280 nm was selected for simultaneous scanning of SAL and GUA. In this way, SAL can be detected at low concentrations in the presence of GUA at high concentrations. Preparation of calibration curve As the concentration range of SAL is from 200 to 1000 ng, direct proportionality (linearity) of the concentration with its absorbance was obtained. Linear regression analysis is applied to analyze calibration curve of SAL. The equation is y = 3.659x + 409.8 (Figure 2) With the objective to allow simultaneous analysis by developing method in wider concentration range, non-linear regression analysis mode was utilized for estimation of GUA. Polynomial regression mode is applicable if wide concentration ranges (1:50 to 1:100) are worked out and with high amount of substance measured in non-linear detector range. The equation for calculation is y = -4.207x2 + 578.12x + 9343.48 (Figure 3) Method Validation Specificity._ The excipients present in the liquid dosage form did not interfere with the chromatographic responses of SAL and GUA as the peak purities r(S, M) = 0.997 and r (M, E) = 0.9996 for SAL and r(S, M) = 0.997 and r(M,E) = 0.9996 for GUA. Also, good correlation (r= 0.9999 for SAL and 0.9998 for GUA) were obtained between standard and sample spectra. Accuracy._ The mean recoveries obtained for SAL and GUA were 100.07 ± 0.49% and 100.04  ± 0.63% RSD , respectively. The accuracy results are shown in Table 2 Precision._ The values of RSD for intraday and interday variations were found to be in the range of 2.56-4.57% and 2.67-4.46% for SAL and 1.95-4.20% and 2.39-4.42% for GUA. RSD for repeatability of sample application were found to be 1.86 and 1.48 for SAL and GUA respectively, while the repeatability of peak area measurement was 0.47 and 0.18% for SAL and GUA respectively. LOD and LOQ._ The LOD and LOQ were 70 and 100 ng for SAL and 30 and 50 ng for GUA. Robustness._ The method was found to be robust, as the results were not significantly affected by deliberate but slight variation in the method parameters. Determination of SAL and GUA in Liquid Dosage Form The proposed HPTLC method was applied successfully for the determination of SAL and GUA in liquid dosage form. The results obtained for SAL and GUA were comparable with the corresponding labeled claim values. (Table 4) CONCLUSIONS Due to the absence of an official method for this binary mixture, the high-performance thin layer chromatographic method proposed in this article could represent an alternative to chemo metrics-assisted spectrophotometry, Electro kinetic chromatography and Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry previously published. This method has been validated for linearity, precision, accuracy, and specificity, and has proved to be convenient and effective for the quality control of SAL and GUA in marketed syrups, with out any interference of excipients. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We are thankful to the principal, L.M. College of Pharmacy for providing us the facility for successful completion of our project. REFERENCES 1.Klaus Flory, H. G. B. in Analytical Profiles of Drug Sunstances and Excipients, Vol. 25, pp. 121, Acedemic Press, Inc. 2.(1996) The Indian Pharmacopoeia, The Manager of Publication, Delhi. 3.Parfitt, K. (Ed.) (1999) Martindale The Complete Drug Reference, The Pharmaceutical Press, UK, The Pharmaceutical Press, UK. 4.(2007) The British Pharmacopoiea, Department of Health on behalf of the Health Ministers, London. 5.(2007) The United States Pharmacopoiea-30 NF-25. 6.El-Gindy, A., Emara, S., and Shaaban, H. (2007) J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 43, 973-82. 7.Pomponio, R., Gotti, R., and Hudaib, M. J. Sep. Sci. 24, 258 264. 8.D., N. L., Quiming, N. S., and Saito, Y. (2009) J. Liq. Chromatogr. Related Technol. 32, 1407 1422 9.International Conference on Harmonization (2005) Validation of Analytical Procedure Methodology (Q2R1), Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, Geneva, Switzerland Table 1. Data indicating various validation parameters of the developed method Table 2. Results of precision study for SAL and GUA determination by the proposed HPTLC method a Repeatability of sample application. b Repeatability of measurement of peak area. Table 3. Data for the recovery study of SAL and GUA Table 4. Analysis results for SAL and GUA liquid dosage forms by the proposed HPTLC methods (n=5) Figure 1. Chemical Structures of (a) SAL and (b) GUA Figure 2. Calibration curve of SAL Figure 3. Calibration curve of GUA Figure 4. (a) HPTLC chromatogram showing separation of SAL and GUA in their combined standard solution at 280 nm , with Rf 0.47 and 0.65, respectively. (b) Chromatogram showing the separation of SAL and GUA in Ventorlin Syrup. Figure 5. (a) HPTLC chromatogram showing separation of SAL and GUA in their combined standard solution at 280 nm , with Rf 0.47 and 0.65, respectively. (b) Chromatogram showing the separation of SAL and GUA in Asthalin Syrup.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Heroine of Louise Shivers Here to Get My Baby Out of Jail :: Here Get My Baby Out Jail

The Heroine of Louise Shivers' Here to Get My Baby Out of Jail Sleeping Beauty's father was a king who loved his daughter dearly. Unfortunately, however, he forgot to invite one of the oldest and most powerful of the fairies to the celebration of his daughter's christening. Because of his forgetfulness, the princess was sentenced to one hundred years of sleep and inactivity. She was saved by a prince who made his way to her bedside and awakened her with a kiss of true love. Of course, they celebrated a glorious wedding and lived happily ever after. Roxy Walston, the heroine of Louise Shivers' "Here to Get My Baby Out of Jail," like Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella or Snow White, lived a fairy tale existence. All of the supporting roles were accounted for: her father, Will Stanton (the king); her mean stepmother, Ruth; her grandmother, Georgeanna (the fairy godmother); her husband, Aaron (the shining knight)' and her lover, Jack, as Prince Charming. Even the evil witch is symbolized by the aura of death and foreboding of the funeral home--always preyi ng, ready to devour the next unsuspecting victim. But unlike the princess in the fairy tale, Roxy's fairy tale ended when she was awakened from her "sleep" by Jack's kiss. The lovers had shared many a romantic, passionate kiss, but the kiss--the one which brought Roxy out of her trance--was the "spitty" one after Jack had confessed to murdering Aaron. At this moment Roxy awakened to her own self-awareness and freed herself from Jack's sensual, magic spell. Only then did she tap into the strength she never knew she had. It was that strength, at first as small as a tobacco seed, that enabled her to try to outlive her shame and move forward with her life as best she could. For one to understand and appreciate Roxy's vulnerability and passivity, a discussion of her childhood will place in proper perspective her family relationships. Will Stanton was a big-boned man, a giant with a soft heart. One can imagine the sheer delight of his little girl as he surprised her with tangerines at Christmastime. She would slip her hand down into his big pocket and feel the white sack lining, "looking for a Saturday nickel" (Shivers 119). In Roxy's eyes, her Daddy was omniscient, a virtual god. That idolization of her male parent is not unusual. Caryl Rivers, author of "Beyond Sugar and Spice," tells us that "to many a young girl, there is something magical about her father" (50).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Responsibility To Protect Essay -- Political Science

Since its adoption by world leaders at the World Summit in 2005, the Responsibility to Protect (herein R2P) has been hailed as a major achievement in protecting populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, or ethnic cleansing that would be committed by rulers. However, some see the R2P not as an effective human right instrument for civilians’ protection as it appears to be another tool for imperialism. My position in this essay is that I believe the R2P doctrine is a considerable achievement in world politics as it signals to potential perpetrators of mass atrocities that the world would no longer stand by, but will use force when necessary to protect innocent civilians. My position is articulated as follows. First, I will present the content/principles of the R2P doctrine . Second, I will point out the legal and moral argument underpinning the R2P, particularly its military aspect. Finally I will evoke some cases where the R2P has been critical in protectin g populations from mass killing and show the shortcoming of those who argue against the R2P. First of all, the R2P clearly states that: i) the State has the primary responsibility to protect its population from heinous human rights abuses such as genocide, war crimes, crime against humanity and ethnic cleansing; ii) the international community has the responsibility to assist States in fulfilling their primary responsibility as indicated in point i) and as such, it should use appropriate diplomatic, humanitarian and other peaceful means to protect populations from those crimes; iii) however, when a State fails to protect its own populations or is the actual perpetrator of such crimes against its populations, the international community must be prepared to ta... humanitarian and human rights laws as well as international customary laws. There are convincing legal and moral arguments in favor of the use of military intervention as the last resort to protect populations from actual or imminent acts of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or ethnic cleansing. The NATO intervention in Libya in 2011 is a good illustration of the importance of the R2P for the protection of populations from atrocities. The argument of opponents to the R2P is not convincing at all as it only covers one part of the three responsibilities of the R2P. Works Cited 1. World Summit Outcome Document 2. Roland Paris, â€Å"R2P Is Not a License for Military Recklessness†, in the Centre for International Policy Study’s blog (March 12, 2012), retrieved online at

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Blend of Tradition and the Contemporary

Music has always been a part of the rich Lebanese culture and has played a very important role in many religious traditions. The beautiful rhythm of Arabic tunes mixed with peculiar characteristics of gypsy music in the country proved to be a great blend which resulted to a rich production of intensity that captivates listeners.The characteristic soothing rhythm and wild beats made Lebanese music known around the world. Traditional Lebanese music incorporates instruments such as the oud, the derbake and the ney. These instruments are still being incorporated to pop music that the new generation is enjoying today.The traditional music of Lebanon is usually sung in either Lebanese or Egyptian language. Aside from this, musicians, artists, singers etc, differ on the way they incorporate music to their individual sound.   The artists differ in so many ways. Some artists were known to differ in their music because of their Lebanese dialects. Most are distinct because of their style, the ir sound and instruments.Very few Lebanese musicians try to remain loyal to the traditional music which is called Jabali (of the mountains). One of which is Mohammed El Helani more popularly known as Assi Helani, who is a major music force in the Middle East since the 1990’s. He is a strong musician and follower of the traditional music like mawall and dabke.Dabke, which is usually presented during important and joyous occasions such as weddings, family parties and competitions. This is a very energetic music which usually leaves the audience ‘stomping their feet’-which is the literal meaning of Dabke.Pop music on the other hand is not a new fancy among the Lebanese audience. The growing influence of the western culture made it’s way not only on Lebanese every day living but also on it’s music. Although western pop music is very distinct from Lebanese pop music because it fuses pop melodies and it’s pop-Arabic roots at the same time. The pop music of Lebanon also focuses on the melodramatic melodies and sad states of mind.  Nancy Nabil Ajram is also a popular singer among the Lebanese people. A multi-platinum folk artist, Ajram is considered to be one of the most important superstars ranking 3rd among the best selling female singers of Lebanon. Her style is incorporating the traditional Lebanese music with and infusion of Western culture. Her formula proved to be very potent since most of her followers are the young and old alike of the generation.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Monitor and Evaluate Workplace Learning and Development Essay

Monitor and evaluate workplace learning and development|  360-degree feedback: This review mechanism consists of performance data generated from a number of sources and almost always includes those staff to whom the individual reports, their peer group, their staff and, in appropriate circumstances, their customers. This approach typically includes a self-assessment using a common process to allow the individual’s own perceptions of their performance to be compared with the other assessing groups. | Performance Development Reviews (PDRs):The process aims to help staff and their managers/supervisors to achieve the best results by: * Identifying the individual work objectives that are most important in achieving the unit’s and the University’s strategic goals * Ensuring a sustainable workload * Setting development goals that meet the staff member’s job and career goals and which help to provide the University with a highly skilled and flexible workforce * Sharing feedback about achievements and problems so that the staff member and their supervisor/manager can * identify and address issues that impede progress Performance appraisal * Performance appraisals are partly evaluation and partly developmental. In traditional performance appraisals the manager and employee evaluate the employee’s strengths and weaknesses. In a 360-degree performance appraisal, feedback is gathered from supervisors, peers, staff, other colleagues and sometimes clients. The results of an appraisal can be used to identify areas for further development of the employee . Have employers/supervisors conduct monthly checks with group managers and discuss current status of groups- information  such as behavioural aspects, work quality & efficiency & individual member analysis. We have been assigned to solve the problems and are keen to change the way the company works in order to better the company as a whole. There have been problems in the staff such as low morale, low efficiency and etc. The management of the company is also suffering from poor and out dated leadership techniques. This company’s staff and management has not been reviewed and updated since the 1970s and must be done as soon as possible if this company is to continue to operate. This is a growing concern as the company has entered its first year with a loss in profit. to the 21st century with improved individual skills & team development, & better company performance. The organisation is still living in the past and thus has suffered in the market greatly, staff morale & efficiency are at an all-time low, the majority of staff are well over 50 years old, and are unfamiliar with the new modern technical age. The majority of managers are performing appallingly, which in turn is affecting employee morale, productivity as well as negatively affecting the overall working environment. To counter these problems I will attempt to implement new management/operational methods and improved leadership performance &  skills, while tending to each employee individually to improve their skill set & value to the company.

Frank O’Conner: My Oedipus Complex

Everyone shows traces of the little green monster, known as jealousy, but some more than others. This specific trait has had a huge effect on the world over time, sometimes destroying, sometimes rebuilding trust, friendships, and even business opportunities. Jealousy is an extremely prominent element in most of Frank O'Connor's writings and is often shown through different literary concepts such as conflict, characterization, and obsessive love.In writing â€Å"My Oedipus Complex†, O'Connor investigates the issue of jealousy through the various actions of his characters and the conflicts they get themselves tangled in, more importantly the ones involving their childlike obsessive love. To fully understand O'Connor's stories, you first have to delve deep into his background. Frank O'Connor was born in Cork, Ireland, on September 17, 1903 to Michael and Minnie O'Donovan. He was born under the name of Michael O’Donovan, but later created the pseudonym â€Å"Frank Oâ€℠¢Connor† that he would use for all of his writings (Gale).It was there in Cork that he experienced the horrors and distress of living in poverty. Even when the family had a small amount of money, O'Connor's father would regularly go out on drinking sprees and return home violent and cruel (Gale). O'Connor, being the only son, learned to help provide for his mother when his father's priorities fell short. O'Connor's education was minimal as he only attended formal school for a short period of time. Although, even after he couldn't afford it any longer, he continued to further his education by reading widely and often (Contemporary).Under the guidance and instruction of Daniel Corkey, O'Connor's biggest influence, he joined the Irish Republican Army. He fought against the British even after a treaty was signed ending the war in 1921 (Gale). O'Connor was then arrested and imprisoned for his involvement in abiding the fight (Gale). During his time in prison, O'Connor continued to educate himself until his release in 1923 and formed many of the ideas that he would use in his future short stories. After he was released from prison in 1923, O’Connor held various teaching posts at American Universities. He then went back to Ireland and worked as a librarian.Being a librarian and educator suited O'Connor well because he could never put down a book and he was eager to share his knowledge with the rest of the world, especially the day's youth. O’Connor continued to write and teach upon his return to Ireland and until his death, caused by a heart attack, on March 10, 1966 in Dublin. Although there were many worldly issues happening at the time â€Å"My Oedipus Complex† was written, O'Connor often chooses personal reminiscences over focusing on bigger, withstanding issues. â€Å"†¦ nothing that can be identified as social or political about ‘My Oedipus Complex'†¦ † (Literature Resource Center).Many of O'Connor's other stori es, however, were saturated with the conundrums of his time. In â€Å"My Oedipus Complex†, Larry is forced to face the fact that now that his father has returned from the war, Larry is no longer his mother's first priority. This goes on to include the Irish Republican Army in O'Connor's past. Also, World War I was touched on lightly. The first conflict in â€Å"My Oedipus Complex† is an extremely obvious one. The main conflict occurs between a young boy, Larry, and his father. For as long as Larry can remember, he has been living with only his mother because his father was a soldier in World War I (O'Connor 337).While Larry was living with solely his mother, he was treated almost as an adult (O'Connor 343). Mother would often have long talks with her son in the mornings about the events that would occur later that day and what was running through her young child’s head. When father returns home, it is pure chaos between him and his only son as the morning ritual is interrupted and soon becomes forgotten. It is all that Mother can do to settle the constant bickering between her only son and her husband. It is impossible for her to choose a side because they both have such significant roles in her life.Father often treats Larry as if he were merely the child that he really is, while Larry, used to being treated fairly in his own home, believes that he is much more mature than his father (O'Connor 343). Larry was fully convinced that Father didn't deserve Mother's love and affection nearly as much as him, so naturally Larry did all that he could to prevent him from getting it. Larry felt that Father was too conceited for his own good and every time he spoke, Father’s words agitated Larry beyond belief (O'Connor 346). In other words, he saw Father as a self-absorbed, immature fool (O'Connor 340).These observations made Larry realize how much he hated Father at the time, but his attitude towards his father would soon change for the bette r. For the time being, Larry, as he was only five and not getting his own way, was full of spite as soon as Father got home. He even kicked Father a couple times the next morning so that he could lie in the bed next to Mother instead of Father (O'Connor 344-345). This angered Father and flared up his reclusive anger towards his son. Father didn't want to let his son or his wife know that he was getting impatient, but Larry was starting to see that all his little annoyances were starting to add up.It was becoming more and more obvious to both Larry and his mother that Father was not at all pleased with Larry's actions. Larry would often catch Father glaring at him from the corner of his eye and referred to him as â€Å"a mountain out for murder† (O'Connor 346). All the tension within the family was starting to affect everyone in the household. â€Å"That settled it. Either Father or I would have to leave the house† (O’Connor 343). When the new baby (Sonny) is bor n, Father is thrown into the same position as Larry. Mother is suddenly ignoring not only Larry, but Father, too (O'Connor 349).Father seeks solace in Larry, climbing into bed with him and complaining about Sonny, and the two of them bond this way. Finally, an understanding is reached. Father is sympathetic towards Larry now that he knows what his son has been through because he has been going through the exact same thing ever since Sonny was born. Father even ends up buying Larry an expensive train set for Christmas because now he understands how it feels to be forgotten in the midst of other people. The unique way that O'Connor develops his characters has a prominent effect on the way he tells his story.Since Larry is the main character, he has the most divergent traits. He often expresses an astounding level of maturity, but after Father returns from the war, he often thinks about how there is a lot that he doesn't understand (O'Connor 342). Larry's lack of understanding is most noticable when he thinks about how things were when it was just him and Mother at home and compares it to how they are now that Father is back. Larry, being just a young boy, did not have very much patience or understanding for what was going on and he didn't like that Father was seemingly stealing Mother away from him (O'Connor 342).Growing up, O'Connor did not have a good relationship with his father, so he used that to supplement this story in particular. In addition to growing up without a positive father figure O'Connor had to take on a role of responsibility because of his father's alcoholism. In â€Å"My Oedipus Complex†, Larry makes it clear that he feels that he is the more mature figure in his mother's life. â€Å"I had been through it all myself, and even at that age I was magnanimous† (O'Connor 349). Because of this, Larry also thinks that he is more deserving of his mother's attention, care, and love.The young boy viewed himself as responsible for his moth er's health and did not like it when Father came home and Mother was worried and concerned all the time (O'Connor 339). Although Larry saw himself as older and wiser than he really was, he had a very rich imagination. In the mornings, before he went upstairs to his mother's room, Larry would let Mrs. Left and Mrs. Right, his feet, have various discussions regarding the day's events (O'Connor 338). When Father returned home, Mother became instantly anxious and no longer had time for their morning talks (Website).Her concern for Father was overpowering her love for her only son, which again, fits in well with O'Connor's background and childhood. Larry becomes extremely upset when he starts to think that his father has seemingly taken his place in his mother's life. When he notices that Mother is becoming overwhelmingly concerned for Father, Larry quickly realizes that he despises seeing Mother this way (Website). When Father had finally returned from the war, instead of celebrating li ke they should have, Mother became extremely worried about Father's physical health (O'Connor 339).She was also concerned about his mental health because of the trauma he had endured. Larry was upset about this for two reasons, the first being that he didn't like seeing his mother anxious and worried. When she was upset, so was he (Gale). The second reason was that Larry didn't like that thought that his father was seemingly replacing him as his mother's first priority. Because of all these tensions, Larry felt that he had to make sure that Father knew he wasn't just going to give up the fight. Larry was openly willing to fight against his father for Mother's affection (O'Connor 347).He thought that Mother was with Father only because he was forcing her to be. With this in mind, Larry knew that he had to get Mother out of Father's grasp. By doing this, Larry felt that he was â€Å"rescuing† his mother in a way (O'Connor 347). â€Å"'I'm going to marry you. ‘ I said qui etly [to Mother]† (O'Connor 347). In his many short stories, specifically My Oedipus Complex, O'Connor creates conflict, a lugubrious family, and distinct character traits to interpret the theme of jealousy into the plot of his story.He also uses those three concepts as an insight to his background and childhood. Even though O'Connor doesn't have very many cultural influences over his writings, he makes sure that there are some working forces behind them. The only thing that differentiates O'Connor's writings from any other author's writings is that instead of have cultural influences, O'Connor has personal influences. He often uses his own life as a supplement to his fictional stories. O'Connor does a wonderful job of piecing together the small parts of his mind and connecting them into his writings.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Back to School Essay

They say that education is the most important thing for society. That education is the way out of trouble, poverty, unemployment and many other things. But all of this is hard to understand for children, and that is a problem, for it is them who are in the education system. So how do you get kids and youngsters to understand the importance of education and hard work? That is what Barrack Obama – the president of the United States of America – has tried to do. He gave the speech â€Å"Back to School† to students of all ages in the school system trying to evoke in them a feeling of responsibility when it comes to school and education. This paper analyzes and comments on that speech, and it partly focuses on how he addresses his audience, and what feelings he evokes in them. When you talk about rhetoric there is a classic way of building it up: The opening comes first. Here Obama says hello and talks about the first day in a semester day, such as that exact day. Then the narrative which is some background information. Here he talks about his own experience as a schoolboy. After that comes the argumentation. In this part all the main weight of the speech is. He talks about responsibility, opportunities and so on. Then normally comes the refutation, but that part it not present in this speech, so at no point does he come with any arguments against his proposition, but on the other hand that would also be stupid in this case. In the end is of cause the ending. Here he concludes what he expects from all the students. This makes it all very easy understandable and easy to follow, which is important when he is addressing kids and youngsters. The main point he is making is that all the students should work hard in school so they can get a good education. As a ground for this main statement he says that a good education is needed if one wants to become something in life, and that jobs and money does not come from nothing. He uses different kinds of rhetorical techniques when he argues his points. He starts off by addressing the audience personally in the very first line, â€Å"Hello everyone – how’s everybody doing today? † (l. 1). This makes the audience pay much more attention than if he had just said something such as ‘welcome’ for instance. Throughout the speech he often repeats a word or the beginning of a sentence such as it is seen in lines 164-165. Here he repeats the phrase â€Å"I expect †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This gives his words more substance. When you read or hear it you really focus on the things that are repeated. So when it is used here you really understand exactly what it is he wants the students to do. Another thing that he does to really capture his audience is to give them examples that they can relate to or compare themselves to. This is done in line 92 to 107. This is also good, because it is a quite young audience he is addressing in this speech and it makes the whole thing easier accessible for them. He also tells his own story, and thereby makes himself more relatable. That is important, because when kids see Obama they see a famous person but none the less a stranger, and therefore an adult whom they do not know how to relate to. All these things make him more unrelatable for the young people. So when he reveals details about his own childhood he creates a trust bond between himself and his audience, and in that way makes the kids want to listen and more likely agree with him. In America national sentiment is very common, and responsibility towards the country is often used as a means to encourage and motivate people. This feeling is something that Obama also takes advantage of, â€Å"If you don’t do that – if you quit on school – you’re not just quitting on yourself, you’re quitting on your country† (ll. 63-64). The country and the responsibility to it are mentioned several times. The feeling that the students have to do well in school not just for themselves, but for their country, is then built up through the speech to a degree where it almost causes bad continence for those who does not take their school seriously. Obama addresses his audience with a great deal of empathy, â€Å"Now I know it’s not always easy to do well in school. I know a lot of you have challenges in your lives right now that can make it hard to focus on your schoolwork. [Here is a line break in the text] I get it. I know what that’s like. † (ll. 65-67). This is another thing that minimizes the distance between Obama and his audience. This empathy causes people to respect him more because they feel they are somewhat on the same page. It makes the audience want to listen because they now can see that he is not unaware or indifferent of the obstacles in their lives. Throughout the speech Obama uses pathos as the main way of persuasion. â€Å"And even when you’re struggling, even when you’re discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you – don’t ever give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country. † (ll. 147-149), here it is the feelings and emotions he appeals to. This is a very strong way of appealing to appealing to people, because it makes people more likely to agree, because they are emotional. In lines 158 to 160 he gives a line of questions. Those questions are meant so the audience will be encouraged to do something with their lives and therefore focus on their education. It is not questions about whether or not they will achieve something in life, it is questions about what that will achieve in life. That way he tricks the audience into feeling that they have to achieve something, something for their country. Through the use of different rhetorical techniques, such as repetition, appeal to emotions, a line of questions and leveling himself with his audience, he achieves a convincing argumentation. He addresses his young audience with empathy, and reveals his own story to them which makes the distance between him and his audience smaller. So maybe Barrack Obama has found the right way to address a young audience, and convince them to work harder in the schools.